Epicor Learning

User Guides are available and can be downloaded via Help. This is an ongoing process to uplift from Classic to Kinetic and will continue to be maintained as new features are released.

Any tools functionality that has been converted to Kinetic can also be accessed from this downloads page. The installation Guides, release notes and “What’s new” will remain on EpicWeb.

Accessing Online Help from EpicWeb:
Product Tab > Documentation > Select “Cloud” or “On-Premise” . Open Online Help

There are a few ways to access the guides from Help & Support:

  1. Search Kinetic Downloads Guide from the Help & Support. This takes you directly to the page landing page.

  2. Clicking on any link in the Help & support results. A link to the Kinetic Guides Download can be found under the Module “Getting Started” or “Understanding” areas.

  3. They can also be found under General > Guides Download > Kinetic Guides Download.


What I have always found maddening is that when a company purchases a new module, they receive no documentation providing guidance as to how to properly configure the new module. The learning center is good for how to utilize specific forms by the end users, but offers almost no assistance for the administrators to go through and get everything properly set-up.

That has always been a major shortcoming of Epicor - first we have to spend 10’s of thousands of dollars for the modules, but then we have to shell out thousands of dollars more to consultants or professional services if we don’t have prior experience with the modules being implemented.


I have searched all over epicweb and there are no user guides for for any version past 10.2 and have been told there will not be as well. I am trying to follow your instructions but still not coming up with anything. If there are in fact user guides for kinetic can you please provide a direct link?

Following your steps gets me here, again no user guides for kinetic:

Searching in zendesk gets me here, still no user guides:

Here are the guides we used to have when we were on 10.1 and what I am looking for:

Yeah 10.2.700 has CSF Guides and more… the Kinetic one does not.


What I am getting at. Epicor needs to STOP assuming that everyone is learning the same way. NOT Everyone wants videos. Some people do want a Printed Book and sit at Starbucks licking their finger as they flip pages. Some want videos. Some want Tutorials. Some want Instructor Led.

I actually recently read a study that Video Learning is too passive for many. Their brains only engage in actually having to work their butts off through text books. Everyone learns differently :slight_smile:

I would recommend bringing all these books back and keep them updated.

Zendesk is quite terrible at relaying information, for the sheer size of Epicor.

I actually have Epicor Books in HARD-COPY and I loved it that way when I was getting started. It made it simple to learn. Now that I know Epicor, I dont care how I consume help.


How many of us have chosen a framework not because it was the best but because it had alot of documentation, easy docs, non-confusing docs. I usually select my framework when learning based on community and docs. Point being. Management may think that some things are a waste of time and duplication… But honestly, that is how you destroy SAP, NetSuite, Sage, Plex and get them to file for Bankruptcy… Your LMS + Docs are a reflection of how easy it is to adopt Epicor. Let’s get SAP to file for Bankruptcy, by making Epicor have LMS, Books, Videos, Guides, HowTos, Tutorials, References… Lots of Pictures… :slight_smile: :muscle:

Maybe we even need a cute Mascot like Clippy! Everyone is less terrified when they see a cute Mascot who will sing the Epicor ABCs with them :smiley:


You will not find the new items under documentation > user guides, these are the old versions. We have moved them to Zendesk and broken them up by module so they can be updated more efficiently. Out goal is to pull these all into a complete guide once we have all of them updated.

Again, I’m not sure who gave you the impression we were not doing this any longer, but I can assure you that is not the case.

The new guides are stored in Zendesk. You can access the Help page for that specific product via the link from the product specific documentation page.

Once you are in the ZenDesk Help from there you will find links to the guides within the Understanding the Product Page.

Unfortunately due to these being a closed system I am not able to share the direct links. I have attached several screenshots showing the various pathways to access these guides.

Finding Technical Reference Guides & User Guides for Kinetic.pdf (1.1 MB)


I think this very conversation demonstrates the weakness of zendesk. You can’t even send somebody a simple link.
Your screenshot:

What I see when I type the very same words in my help search:

If I just skip that step and go to the help directly, and try to follow the instructions from there, your screenshot:

And what I see:

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Finally by clicking on the online help link in Epicweb I was able to locate the kinetic guides which apparently are only available in the 2022.2 version of the help, not the 2021.2 version of the help. I was able to locate the Application Studio User guide which looks fantastic - I have been asking for this for a year and am thrilled to see it. I only wish I had known about this months ago when I started trying to use application studio.


I will have to dig into this and understand more context for why that is, but thank you for the feedback. Glad you were able to find some of what you were looking for. More to come!


This is really helpful, taking this back to the team to dig into it!

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I have access to a (client’s… ssshhh!) SaaS environment, and when I search for Kinetic Guides Download I see what you see and am downloading everything there.

Several Technical Reference manuals, however, are still not there (MRP, Job Costing, Multi-Site to name 3) … any idea on a time frame for them?

The module User Guides look very similar to the Classic Education Course Documents! There are currently 11 of those, Classic had over 100, again do you have any idea on the time frame for the rest?

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@Ernie Content for the Kinetic 2022.2 user guides should be available by end of February. We are working to confirm timelines for the others and will provide an update once I know more.


Hi All, I’m Tricia Symes, the Epicor Learning content development manager for Epicor manufacturing. We are currently in the process of uplifting technical reference guides and user guides from Classic to Kinetic. The Kinetic Guides Download page is available in the General > Guides Download section of the 2022.2 Kinetic help. It contains the technical reference and user guides that have currently been uplifted to Kinetic. We are chunking down the Kinetic User Guide by functional area /module, as the original classic guide was almost 2000 pages. We plan to have that content complete by the end of February, but we are adding the guide for each module as we complete it so that you can access it immediately.

We have also been adding Getting Started pages in many core functional areas that contain process flows and setup, operational, and report links to better guide you through our help material. As with the guides, we are targeting the end of February to complete the core modules.

For tools content, we have been developing guide content alongside with Kinetic product tools development. For example, we have a new user guide on the Kinetic BAQ Designer and a guide on Kinetic Configurator. As tools functionality continues to be uplifted to Kinetic, we will continue to expand our available Kinetic tools help and guide content.

I have attached procedures for downloading Kinetic guides from the Kinetic Help and it contains a section on how to access the Kinetic help from EpicWeb.

Kinetic_DownloadingGuidesfromHelp_2022.2.pdf (715.3 KB)

We will continue to create and provide technical reference and user guides as we understand that they are a critical need and want for our customers.


I’m so happy to hear this! I wish the documentation could have been available when Kinetic was first released and/or that the documentation plan could have been communicated out more effectively - it would have avoided a lot of frustration.


I also think its awesome that you are breaking it into chunks. Because I never enjoyed downloading a 200mb file for the 2 chapters I really cared about. Nice! Good News.


I also wanted encourage you all to submit your ideas for the ELC in the Epicor Ideas portal. This will allow everyone the opportunity to voting for features they would like to see, help us integrate your direct feedback/ideas into our future roadmaps, and visibility into the ideas progress!

All you need to do is login using the link below for the Kinetic portal and select the ELC workspace.


I will be taking a lot of the feedback that has already been posted in here and adding them to our workspace.

Thanks again for all of your time and feedback! Please keep it coming, we are listening!


27 posts were merged into an existing topic: Kinetic ideas 50 idea limit frustration

Let’s give it a go! Let me know if this link works for you…




Let’s not divert this topic over to the “vote” topic… but just to set the record straight:

  1. you should be able submit new ideas and comment on them without adding votes to them.
  2. DISCOVERY made during research… you say “most of us dont have any votes available”. turns out that while I THOUGH I would agree with you initially on this statement, there were only about 6 users (out of 3000?) who had used more than 45 votes. SO, while you may have consumed your 50, you are in the extreme minority.