Epicor on a User's computer Keeps Freezing

I have another user here that has an epicor client that keeps freezing every 4 days or so. It stays frozen and can’t be used unless I either uinstall, or go into the Program Data folder to remove a folder and let it be recreated on next launch. I haven’t found a way to permenamtly fix this, and I am wondering if anyone else has ran into this and knows how to fix it.

We have a bunch of users with the same problem for about 3 months now. We had to make a batch file they could click to run that task kills all epicor processes and deletes the folder for them. I don’t think I need to say anything about our support case

We also had this for some time with one specific user. We eventually updated her to windows 11… Took the hammer approach and got tired of trying to figure it out. The update seems to have worked for whatever reason.

I’ll try updating them to windows 11 to see if it’ll work, I believe they’re still on windows 10

I’m gonna try a few other solutions but if that doesn’t work, then thank you for the Batch File idea

I am assuming that everyone on this thread is using https and not net.tcp, which locks up a lot with the slightest network disruption.

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For us its not a networking issue, at least not directly. Its the EpiEOBrowser cache getting corrupted.

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So moving off the .NET Client some day would take care of it…


yeah I mean for me I kept thinking this may be something with .NET.

I angered Epicor, so I will only be able to see the promised browser land from a mountain

You should, especially if you didn’t add this line:

We have users experiencing the issue was well, we are on 10.2.600. It’s just recently a problem with Epicor. After going back forth with them, they said to upgrade to Kinetic.

If its actually the same issue we are having, its present in the latest version of Epicor. It went away for about 2 weeks, but with the latest upgrade its back again. We wrote a batch file to delete the EObrowser cache so people can help themselves at least. I forget what version you are on, but if 10.1.400.18 doesn’t have the EObrowser, you might have a different issue and upgrading might help.

i found this type on the message board here: EpicCare Login - EpicCare

here is the thread:

Interesting, let me know if that works for you

Oh the innocent sweet summer child who wrote that last little jewel of a line in the KB, if you stick with this career path hold on to your britches because a hard life lesson is coming your way.

The Kinetic client should be closed before the Windows user logs out of the workstation or before the workstation is shutdown/restarted.

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It did not work. In Epicor 10.2, the EOBrowser file does exist. Is the cache located in C:\ProgramData\Epicor?

I believe its in the sub folder “BrowserCache” but yes that is the right location.

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Would you be willing to share the batch file? We are running into a similar issue and would like to see if that resolves it

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