Error using the "GetManifestInfo" method of the CustShip BO

Hello everyone!

I am trying to create a “function” that does the shipping, but when creating a line and calling the “GetManifestInfo” method, I get the following error: “Record not available.”

I took out the trace and these are the methods I call when creating the line.

  • GetNewOrdrShipDtl
  • GetOrderInfo
  • GetManifestInfo (At this point it breaks)
  • BuildShipToList
  • CheckPrePartInfo
  • GetOrderLineInfo
  • GetOrderRelInfo
  • BuildShipToList
  • CheckPCBinOutLocation
  • UpdateMaster


See in “Trace” that RowMod “U” is set to ShipHead and ReadyToInvoice to “true” so i added it hoping it would work but it didn’t.