Error when trying to delete a job - reference

I am getting “Cannot delete referenced by at least one Material Transaction” msg when trying to delete a job

Was all the material returned that was issued to the job?

Even if it is, you can’t delete the job. When you return the material, it doesn’t delete the transaction, it adds a negative transaction.

I’m pretty sure that all you can do is close the job.

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so the best option is to close the job?

I would say yes.

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Thanks for quick reply

This is one of the main reasons that I pushed my company to buy to planning contract instead of direct to the job. If they are bought to the planning contract, the materials sit in inventory until they are back flushed so jobs don’t get unnecessarily locked up. That’s helped us a lot.


On a side note, could you direct to some reading material on planning contract? Or could you please share how you are using at your company?

Here’s a big long thread of my investigation and implementation of it. There’s pros and cons depending on what your costing expectations are, but they fit well with our business model.

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