I got this working now. What I ended up doing was changing the folder name to contain no spaces and the file name to contain no spaces.
Example would be:
Process.Start("WINWORD.exe" , "R:\Attachments\Cutlist\PorcessReport.doc")
Thank you
for your help
Example would be:
Process.Start("WINWORD.exe" , "R:\Attachments\Cutlist\PorcessReport.doc")
Thank you
for your help
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bobschnable" <bschnable@...> wrote:
> Gene,
> It looks like in your example, your're starting Word, but trying to open an Excel file, so there may be an issue there.
> When I used the Process.Start command in VS, the second parameters it accepts is for command line arugments. Have you tried just using Process.Start(filename)?
> i.e. Process.Start("R:\Attachments\Cut list\3Leg Service Deck\Option 1 Cut - Del.xls")
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "gmack110256" <genemack@> wrote:
> >
> > I set up the button and when clicked it opens Word fine. I have tried to set different file paths and files in and every time I run the event it keeps looking bck to the C:\client803\client for the path.
> >
> > Is this a default path in epicor for this sort of thing?
> >
> > I can't figure out why if the path is changed to look else where it keeps going to the C:\client.
> >
> > The last one I tried was written like this:
> >
> > Process.Start("WINWORD.exe" , "R:\Attachments\Cut list\3Leg Service Deck\Option 1 Cut - Del.xls")
> >
> >
> > and it still looked at the C:\client803\client instead.
> >
> > Thank You
> > Gene
> >