Expedite POs from Change PO Suggestions - benefit or liability?

So 1st time looking at Expedite PO suggestions and 1st glance I can see an issue. From what I’ve seen so far the expedite po suggestion brings forward a future po line to the required date but is it following part leadtime?

It seems to just assume that the expedite date can be met. Initial glance seems that Epicor thinks expedites will happen 100% as suggested and then any future quantity on hand below minimum will be captured by a PO Suggestion at a later date. Does expedite even follow leadtime?

Sorry Epicor but I can’t make what you’ve suggested on the Expedite happen so it is what it is but now Epicor will have me staring at an empty yard as the buyers are looking at a suggestion way out in the future thinking all is ok. So maybe Expedite is a flag there is something wrong.

As far as I know, it is only looking at demand dates and if they will be satisfied by some existing, pending supply. Also in the case of “min on hand” demand… a due date of “today” is assumed. Suggested dates are not necessarily going to be “realistic”.

I like to think of it as part of Epicor’s “manage by exception” philosophy.
i.e. the system is notifying of a “perceived” discrepancy - TBD if/how you want to address it.

Thanks Bruce. I think your item on perceived is key.