Export outer-join & 4.0 improvements

Hi All. I asked the other day about doing an outer-join in the Vantage
Export Utility. Tim Ligas from Epicor was kind enough to provide the
winning suggestion. The following query syntax provides the desired
result, but ONLY works in Vantage 4.0: (notice the "Outer-Join" phrase in

for each Vendor no-lock
where Vendor.Company = cur-comp,
each VendGrup outer-join no-lock
where VendGrup.Company = cur-comp
and VendGrup.GroupCode = Vendor.GroupCode:

In the process, I found out the Export Utility in 4.0 is MUCH
Improved. (Something else improved but not mentioned in the release
notes.) Here's a list of the stuff I found:

* Improved user interface (sheet tabs, more lines in text boxes, etc)
* Remembers the desired export path / file name
* Ability to export column labels (also makes a .SCH file, what's that?)
* Ability user-defined delimiters
* the Inner Join works!
