When we do cash receipt entry, we got the following Business Logic Error for some customers. Anyone knows and can help how to deal with it? Thanks.
You usually get that error if you have a Credit Card record for Customer with a Year in the past. So make sure their Credit Card on file Expiration Month and Year are not expired (old). The method that usually invokes that error is the ValidateCreditCard method.
Thanks, Patreon.
Another question, how can we remove the credit card record for a customer. That way, the credit card info can not go to sales orders and invoices for a customer.
You have asked this no less than like 5 times LoL… refer to your other posts…
The credit card issue is annoying.
Put a BPM on that method like I suggested works like a charm!
It would be greatly appreciated f you can provide more details/info about your BPM. Thanks.
On a Post Processing BPM when the SoldToID is changed on a SalesOrder clear out any credit card fields.
Assuming your issue is that the CC Auto Re-Loads on new Orders.
Does that help? It should be a straight forward Set Field XXX to blank for each of the CC Fields in the ttOrderHed table.