I have a user that wants to set the CheckDuplicatePO field to default checked (yes or true) for any new customer. The Default Init Value field seems to be greyed out (for that column on the Customer DataSet Table ID). Is there a way to set the default in Extended Property or do I need to create a BPM to do this?
Hi Brian,
For the sake of simplicity, I’d test out the extended properties and see if it works. If it does, good enough, move on. If not, then go bpm route.
One thing to note, I don’t know if on-premise vs not on-premise makes a difference here…
We are public cloud, and the Default Init Value seems to be greyed out. Is there a trick to change that Default Init Value for public cloud?
Probably no trick and cannot do on public cloud.
Can you make a method BPM post process on GetNewCustomer, per below, set checkduplicatepo to true:
We’re on premesis, and the default value field for that column (along with every other column in the Customer table), is disabled. BPM it has to be.
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