I’m new with Epicor 10 and I would like to know if it is possible to extract a list (or a report) of all customizations that are currently installed in a specific environment.
I’m new with Epicor 10 and I would like to know if it is possible to extract a list (or a report) of all customizations that are currently installed in a specific environment.
Customization maintenance
It’s in System Management -> Upgrade/Mass Regen -> Customization Maint.
If you upload your db to the Epicor Upgrade Services dashboard, you can run it through the ERP Analyzer, and get an Excel spreadsheet with the customizations, bpm’s, BAQ’s, etc… I’ve been using that list to validate each thing we changeds as part of our upgrade testing.
And to add to what @askulte was referring to, you don’t even have upload your DB. They have an program that runs on your app server, and it uploads the results to “the cloud”
I ran into this dashboard that someone made on a post here a while back. Super helpful.
Thanks for your help. It is very appreciated.
See if epicor will let you use the ERP Analyzer tool! It’s pretty in depth!
I did this with E9 at my old job, but the grey matter is not what it was… What was the link to the Upgrade Services? I just cant’t seem to see it on the Upgrade Resources center page.
Thanks. This is exactly what I needed.