Hello Folks,
FYI, very new area to me…
Epicor 10.1.500.17
Epicor Manifest
When printing UPS Shipping labels we receive a dialog box with the following,
"The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occured on a send".
Here is the log entry seen in e:\ManifestPrintJobs\PrintMonitorLog.txt
2018-01-18 15:45:39,460 [4] INFO - Print Monitor Service stopped.
2018-01-18 15:46:14,977 [1] INFO - Print Monitor Service started.
2018-01-18 15:46:14,992 [4] WARN - CheckForInstalledPrinters - The default printer (\computername\printername) specified in the configuration file is not in the list of installed printers.
2018-01-18 15:46:14,992 [4] INFO - LogApplicationConfigurationSettings - Print monitor has the following configuration settings set in the app.config file:
Archive print job files: True
Crystal Report .rpt files locations: E:\ManifestReports
Default printer: \computername\printername
Log file location: E:\ManifestPrintJobs
Poll interval: 1000
Directory to monitor for print jobs: E:\ManifestPrintJobs
No printers are aliased
2018-01-18 15:46:14,992 [4] INFO - LogInstalledPrinters - The following printer(s) are installed and accessible to Print Monitor:
Microsoft XPS Document Writer
\TCI.tciprecision.local\SHARP MX-M453N PCL6
Previously, when seeing an error similar to this in the log we were told this could be due to the server not having a default printer set. Indeed there was no default printer so I added a printer and set a default. I then stopped and started the InsiteShip Print Monitor Service. Tried printing again and received the same error dialog and same log file entries.
I have no clues where to look next.
Thanks for any help.