Filter Warehouse Combo in Direct Transfer

Hi guys,
this time i have a little problem, not urgent but i want to resolve it…
i have a Warehouse… that is assigned to a Part… this warehouse have all bins = Inactive, and when we do a “Direct Shipment” on “Transfer Order Shipment Entry”, this Warehouse appears on Warehouse List… how can i filter it? i’m dont worry if need to filter with code or description…


i see the trace for check what method is called:

    <parameter name="serviceNamespace" type="System.String"><![CDATA[Erp:BO:PartPlantWhseSearch]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="whereClause" type="System.String"><![CDATA[14409]]></parameter>
    <parameter name="columnList" type="System.String"><![CDATA[]]></parameter>

But when i try to implement solution like that…

but when do i dont have the paramether “wereClause”

i tried too filtering on Customization of the form… but when do the all warehouses appears… (including the “inactive” warehouse).

any idea how can i resolve it?

i find the solution…

the solution was use the Post-Prosessing event, whit some custom code that delete the warehouse when it has no active bins:

bool tieneAlgoActivo = false;
List<int> aEliminar = new List<int>();

for (int index = result.PartPlantWhseSearch.Count-1; index >= 0; index--)
  Erp.Tablesets.PartPlantWhseSearchRow whse = result.PartPlantWhseSearch[index];
  tieneAlgoActivo = false;
  List<Erp.Tables.WhseBin> Whsebins = (from Whse_Bin in Db.WhseBin where     (Whse_Bin.WarehouseCode == whse.WarehouseCode) select Whse_Bin).ToList();
  foreach (Erp.Tables.WhseBin whseBin in Whsebins)
      if (!whseBin.InActive)
        tieneAlgoActivo = true;
  if (!tieneAlgoActivo)

foreach (int index in aEliminar)
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