Finance help - Revenue by Country


So our bean counters want to route sales revenue to GL accounts by country. I thought we could do this by adding a GL Account type of AR-Account and creating a GL control to go along with that to route sales to an account but it doesn’t seem to override the product group that’s in place. We sell the same product group across multiple countries so we can’t really modify those.

Starting with customer

Then the control code

we have it going to a sub account, not sure if that matters?

However when i post the invoice it goes to the sales account defined under the gl control on the product group.

Any thoughts on what I’m missing here or is this not even capable of getting me where i want to go?


Dude, “Bean Counter” is not the preferred nomenclature, Numerically Gifted… please.

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@rbucek you can create sales categories, this will override the department code for sales if you add a gl control code. You can manually select or BPM from the country.

Seriously? You guys only use +, -, x, and /

Engineers everywhere should be outraged … :wink:

You forgot %


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That’s not real math !!!

So is it just the addition of the country based sub accounts that need to accounted for?

Like if PrdGrp XYZ had acct 1234-56-789. You now want sales of item of the PrdGrp, to be further specified by country, like

The PrdGrp is XYZ:

  • And Customer is in Japan, then use GL Acct 1234-56-789-JPN
  • And Customer is in Germany, then use GL Acct 1234-56-789-DEU

Some GL controls “overlay” each other, like the division segment can be set by site.

Or GL for Inventory is 1151-00-01 (setup in the Company GL controls for Inventory). While there are Site based GL controls:

  • ____-00-_ for site CHAL
  • ____-16-_ for site GUTH
  • ____-17-_ for site HOUST

The ___ parts above indicate that segemnet is left blank when setting up the GL Control.

When a GL tran happens for the GUTH Inventory, GL acct 1151-16-01 is used.

How about changing the posting rules to allow the PE pick revenue account from Customer GL Control instead of product group?