Find all Customizations

What’s the quickest way to find all customizations?

Run the ERP Analyzer from the epicor upgrade services portal

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Few Options:

  1. Customization Maintenance
  2. BAQ on Ice.XXXDef where TypeCode = ‘Customization’
  3. Run a BAQ on Ice.Menu where Arguments LIKE %-c% (find the ones actually being used)

If you are thinking of Customizations overall such as UD Columns, BAQs, Dashboards, Reports, etc… then make some BAQs, Dashboards or as Alisa said ERP Analyzer.


I was about to say, I know Haso and @jgiese.wci have posted queries to accomplish this.

I packaged up @jgiese.wci stuff into a BAQ/Dashboard if you need to look at that stuff:


Thanks Kevin. I will need this.

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