We set up all of our resources to have finite capacity for 14 days.
Each resource group can have between 1 and 5 resources in them.
Production calendar is set to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
When Epicor runs the finite scheduling module, its scheduling all the jobs to the first resource in the group and it will over schedule the hours.
For example, it will schedule 72 hours on the first resource. and less than 5 on the last 3 resources.
In total it should only be scheduling 32 hours per day.
Are you using “Scheduling Blocks”, can you cross check what is the value entered in this field.
Scheduling Blocks (Field help)
Specifies the number of resources a single job operation requires. This value is normally set to 1.
The scheduling engine divides the production time by the number of scheduling blocks. This program then finds resources that have capacity available in the required time frame. If enough capacity is available, the operation’s total time can be reduced.
Tip: Do not enter more than 1 unless you typically set up more than 1 resource for the same operation on the same job. If you enter more than 1, operations scheduled in this resource group will use more of the available capacity. For example, a resource group with 4 resources at 8 hours per day has a production capacity of 32 hours and a work day of 8 hours. If you enter a 2 here, a single operation will be scheduled for 16 hours in a day (using 2 resources) instead of just 8.
Be sure the site maintenance > planning tab has a finite horizon value filled in also.
What tool are you using for the scheduling? MRP? Job Entry? Global Scheduling? I think you need to tell each tool to do the finite scheduling. There are checkboxes to indicate this. Some of these checkboxes can be defaulted on from site maintenance.
One more thing to check. On the Part method, what scheduling resources do you have entered? There are three options. Capability, Resource Group and Resource ONLY one of these three should be filled in. The Resource Group sounds like the one you want and then let the system find the available resource.
Brad - going to disagree with you on that last point. If you have a resource group that specifies more than one resource, you can specify the particular resource within the group on the method.
We do this all the time here - we have similar machines, but there differences are enough that certain items have to run on one particular machine in a resource group.
I agree on this point - if you spell out a capability, you cannot spell out a resource group or a resource. They have to be blank in that scenario.