Good Day:
Sun Is on M2K (Informix) but,
Going to: Epicor 9, 9.04.505B ( maybe 9.05), SQL (live 7/1/2010-
maybe 8/1/10)
We are working on how to standardize the names and\or Codes for the
Customer file.
We have the whole gammit of types, individuals, compnanies, big
companies with many ship-to but ONE bill-to, others with many ship-to
but bill to is the ship-to, etc; then, they start buying and selling
plants to each other, and changing their names, mergers, acquisitions,
Since I am not sure other unintended consequenses of parent\child
type links, I thought I would ask for what you have experienced and
decided on.
Do you use the Name as a way to select certain Customer 'groups'? Or
Codes. Which codes.
Also, of course, it wants to make accounting\President happy with
reporting information by 'group'.
Leonard C. Hartka, IT Director\ERP Manager
Sun Automation Group
66 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Md. 21152
410-329-3560 ext. 120
410-329-3564 FAX
443-255-7192 Work Cell
len.hartka@... <>
Sun Automation Group
25 Years of Service
to the Corrugated Industry
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Sun Is on M2K (Informix) but,
Going to: Epicor 9, 9.04.505B ( maybe 9.05), SQL (live 7/1/2010-
maybe 8/1/10)
We are working on how to standardize the names and\or Codes for the
Customer file.
We have the whole gammit of types, individuals, compnanies, big
companies with many ship-to but ONE bill-to, others with many ship-to
but bill to is the ship-to, etc; then, they start buying and selling
plants to each other, and changing their names, mergers, acquisitions,
Since I am not sure other unintended consequenses of parent\child
type links, I thought I would ask for what you have experienced and
decided on.
Do you use the Name as a way to select certain Customer 'groups'? Or
Codes. Which codes.
Also, of course, it wants to make accounting\President happy with
reporting information by 'group'.
Leonard C. Hartka, IT Director\ERP Manager
Sun Automation Group
66 Loveton Circle
Sparks, Md. 21152
410-329-3560 ext. 120
410-329-3564 FAX
443-255-7192 Work Cell
len.hartka@... <>
Sun Automation Group
25 Years of Service
to the Corrugated Industry
This e-mail and any attachments may contain proprietary and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail or at 410-472-2900 and then delete the message without using, disseminating, or copying this message or any portion thereof. With e-mail communications you are urged to protect against viruses.
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