Forecast Window: Within a calendar Month rather than a Window of Days Before and Days After

Is there a way to create a Forecast Window based on the Month the demand is in rather than a number of days before and a number of days after? My concern is even if I created a forecast every month on the 1st of every month, I would either have to make a window of 0-before and 28-after and risk any Sales Orders entered on the 29th through the 31st of any given month to not be consumed and in essence, be doubled up on expected demand. The other option would be 0-before and 31-after, in which February would overlap with March and I am not sure which month Epicor would allocate the orders.

In Example, if the we had a forecast on 2/1 and a forecast on 3/1 with a window of 0-before and 31-after, and had a sales order land on 3/2, would that quantity be consumed by the 2/1 or 3/1 forecast?

3/1 because you have no days before.

Here is how I would handle this - and it’s not perfect.

Make the forecast date the 16th of the month, use a before value of 15 and and after value of 15. That way, any sales order from the 1st to the 31st will consume forecast.

You’ll have to deal with February, April, June, September and November in your own way! :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your responses. It sounds like there is not a cut and dry way to set it up monthly and I will need to monitor for Sales Orders that overlap on short months. I appreciate your feedback!

What we’ve decided is to have the forecast the start of the month and window of 0 behind, 31 forward. The only issue is the overlap where sales orders will consume the prior month for a couple of days if not already consumed by previous orders. Hopefully, if the forecast is reasonably accurate, this shouldn’t be much.
It would be nice if you could set the forecast period per forecast, or at least per customer (we have some customers we forecast on weekly basis and others monthly), but I don’t see that happening any time soon.