Frideas for 12 July 2024

If Ideas accepted Ideas about improving Ideas, I’d love to add an Idea to implement Idea tags.

Found an Idea that’s bigger than a single development cycle can handle? Tag it “epic”, identify components that can be incrementally acheived and tag those as a child Idea of the epic Idea.

Several Ideas are highly similar? Tags can organize all of their individual perspectives on a single solution under one umbrella.


@timshuwy can you merge these two?
Improve system agent task scheduling
Remove Process Sets by Improving the System Agent Schedules


there are tags within epicor ideas, but they are not visible outside of our internal users. Epicor Ideas is run off of the platform. it has two user types… internal, and external. You are all part of the external user team.
Internally, here is what we see in an idea:


Yes, this is done. Thank you…

Hey… anyone that sees a duplicate idea, please let me know. It is very simple to merge them, and any votes that are there get moved to the resulting idea.


Give APR some love.


Yes - please.
Also - I’m working on a whole dissertation (Idea) about APR and Document Sender being combined, enhanced, and baked into the core rather than this BS we have now with competing, individually incomplete programs that do not follow the multi-language features of the core product. One of these Fr-Ideas-days you’ll see it.


There’s a lot of great information for companies who want to use Aha! Ideas platform:

Listen the first time

“Keeping customers engaged is no different from keeping anyone engaged in a conversation. You need to make sure the topics you bring to the table are relevant to your customer and bring real value to them, not just you. Actively listen to what your customers are most challenged with every day and what keeps them up at night. This is what should keep you up as well. If your customer has to shout at the top of their lungs to get your attention and then wait weeks for a meaningful reply, they will eventually stop communicating.” — Deb Gay, Sr. Product Success Manager

Request feedback often

"It is important for product managers to proactively initiate conversations with customers. If you always wait for customers to reach out to you first, you limit your learnings. Not every customer is the type to reach out first. If you are not careful, your roadmap can start leaning towards feedback from a small subset of vocal customers. There are so many ways to initiate conversations — share and seek feedback on your roadmap, send relevant polls and surveys, or ask teammates in Customer Success to put you in touch with customers whose use cases you want to learn more about. Reaching out proactively ensures you get the feedback you need on topics that align with your strategic plans. — Kelly Sebes, Sr. Product Manager

Remove barriers

“Make it easy for customers to leave feedback when their need is fresh. Ideas portals, in-app feedback widgets, live chat on your website — these can all be conduits for immediate feedback. Whatever you offer, make sure your customers know that you have done something with their feedback. Close the loop and provide progress updates. And make sure to give a clear ‘no’ when necessary — they will respect that more than silence.” — Reilly O’Connor, Product Success Manager

Broaden channels

"We run a live tutorial program to help customers get the most out of new functionality across the Aha! suite. It is a great forum for customers to ask questions and share feedback — we can then pass those findings along to our product management team. Collecting customer feedback should be everyone’s job. Allow anyone in the organization to submit and vote on ideas on behalf of customers — you will open up whole new conversations. — Rose Thompson, Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Deepen relationships

“Build real relationships with your biggest fans. This might look like creating a customer advisory board or holding ongoing empathy sessions. Find people who love your product so much they want (and need) you to succeed with all their hearts. These are the people who will cheer you on when you get it right or provide direct and candid feedback when you miss the mark. This group can be a wellspring of knowledge and a massive resource for product teams.” — Nathaniel Collum, Sr. Product Manager

Customers cannot always tell you what they need — but they can speak to what they care about. Mine every conversation for opportunities to build creative solutions and improve the product.

Slow down the next time you are zipping past a customer idea or hurrying to end a call. Remember that your customers are real people with real concerns. Even if a request is misaligned with current priorities, you can be sure you gave it the consideration it deserves. The capacity to treat every idea with care and optimism is an essential piece of innovation.


Just found I can edit my ideas after a vote.
I am going to wait till I get a bunch of votes then edit my idea to “Stop threatening to kill the Smart Client without a suitable, reliable replacement”


I hope you don’t mind, but I tagged on to this one (along with my vote):

I almost created a similar IDEA just this morning… but perhaps I can just add on to this one??

I would love to be able to present a table of data in an APR email body (as we’re able to do in a BPM).

In a BPM, I can send an email and include a table of data in html format from a query. But in APR, I can only add fields… not a table of queried data.

For example, if I have an APR for OrderAck, I could send an email that a new order is entered. Yes, APR allows me to attach the actual PDF (where BPM’s do not)… but in the body of the email, it would be great to display the Order Line items (OrderLine, PartNum, LineDesc, Qty, etc.). But it will only show Line Item 1. It will not query the dataset and create a table with all rows.


You can write HTML in the email. And the OrderDtl table is in the RDD, it should be possible.

Says the man who can’t write HTML…

1 Like

I can get the first line of details to appear, but not sure how to get a variable number of other rows to appear. Again, perhaps I’m just limited by my HTML skills (which are pretty lacking).

In a BPM, you can simply right-click and add a table query right into the email body:

Not sure how to do that in APR, unless, like you said, I can use a block of html to recreate it directly?

I think that I can honestly say that 2 years ago, we really pivoted how we do product management to pursue most (if not all) of these concepts.

  • Listen - we hang out here on EpiUsers and EUG sites… we listen. we also hang out on Epicor Ideas.
  • Feedback - From here and from Ideas, we also post questions/comments, and we are using “empathy” sessions more often to get more feedback.
  • Remove barriers - we are trying to make it even easier to access Epicro Ideas. There is a link directly inside Kinetic that brings you there. We also have enabled the AHA feature so that when an idea is connected to an EPIC, and that EPIC is delivered, you are notified if you voted or commented on the idea.
  • Broden Channels - EVERYONE can submit ideas… Customers, Partners, Employees! EVERYONE can vote on them too!
  • Relationships - we can always build better and better relationships. Meeting you all at Insights, User Group meetings, and here on-line is a great way to do that.

THANK YOU all for your support, positive feedback, and for your friendships along the way!


Keep Predictive Search to utilize “Contains” vs “Start With” search as it is in 2023.2


Tim, I think we’re all grateful for the changes you guys have made over these last few years. This is reflected in that Ideas is no longer the graveyard Support sent us customers and in the improvements made to Epicor Kinetic UI and features.

Job well done sir!


Very cool! Are you willing to share any details on that Product value field? Is it a 1-100 scale or something?

Just for clarity, I was pimping the Aha! platform for others on the list. Aha! seem to put a lot of effort into tools that improve the customer input process.

And I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that in the past two years, Epicor has shown a marked improvement on customer engagement, somewhat due the award-winning efforts by someone we know… :wink: But while we’re here…

From the Remove barriers section above:

Whatever you offer, make sure your customers know that you have done something with their feedback. Close the loop and provide progress updates. And make sure to give a clear ‘no’ when necessary — they will respect that more than silence.” — Reilly O’Connor, Product Success Manager

I cannot emphasize enough how true this is. Having an internal view of the idea that says an idea is hard, or too big, or excellent but never sharing that with the requestor does not help to “build real relationships with your biggest fans.”

I get it. Users ask for specific solutions instead of describing points of friction. Quite a few customers don’t like how long a landing page takes, so their solution is to throw the whole thing out. Was the problem the landing page, or the default behavior of loading every record on a newly launched application, or the desire for a better search paradigm? :person_shrugging: Do I want DevOps? Not really. I want a system that helps us manage our systems that allows us to change with the world as needed. Many other companies use DevOps but there could be others like Platform Engineering. But with barriers to feedback, it’s difficult to work these things out. Can it get messy to communicate in public like this? You betcha. Is it better than silence? Absolutely.

Happy Monday. :grin:


we really don’t use that field at this time in Kinetic. We have a different scoring system that we do offline. it is based off of votes + Engineering effort + internal importance scoring. Our formula is much more complex and comprehensive than the one Aha uses, which is simply (Impact + -1) * Effort.


Boy aha is crawling today. Just me?

Ain’t got time for Aha, we got FedEx & UPS issues with Quick Ship today plus a ton of other stuff. It’s Murphy’s Law day here.


Always time for Aha!

Take On Me–A-ha (1984) – @mortenharketpassion on Tumblr