Fulfillment work bench

Anyone have any luck with fulfilment workbench that could help and do some training?

Do you have AMM module?
What are you trying to do with it?

Yes we have that. I am trying to figure out how to print material Queue report for all open orders daily. Right now we are printing per order and handing them off to the packers instead of the system generating this on its own if that makes sense.

are you picking with handheld devices and performing a transaction when the item is picked to the sales order( im assuming we are talking about orders and not picking to jobs).
or are you just wanting a pick list?
are you assigning picks to teams/people via the material queue manager?


Make sure you select ’ No’ from this dialog in the fulfilment workbench.


If you then go into the material request queue, select the requests you want to process and then multi select the records in the ‘My Requests’ tab that you want on the daily pick list and press print from the material request queue.

If this doesn’t suit then you can always create a your own BAQ report with a list of daily items to be picked based upon the MtlQueue table.

The fulfilment workbench is a really good tool, so do stick with it.



yes we are performing transaction once we pull the parts for an order. I am trying to learn how to print many orders for picking at once. Like to come in and say ok print all open orders for ship date today - tomorrow kind of thing.

Ok lets start that the beginning. How do i come up with open orders to print to pick? like i want to print all open orders that have a ship date of today and tomorrow so i can see all those orders to chose from? Lets start slow thanks

OK - so the fulfillment workbench is a means of reserving and allocating stock in a methodical manner, based upon a set of search parameters.

If you want to look at orders with a ship date of today or tomorrow, you select the ‘Ship By Date’ in the order search.

This will give you a list of all orders that need to be shipped today or tomorrow.

What follows is the most straightforward of processes, but there are plenty of other parameters to determine the orders you want fulfilling.

You then select the orders you want to process, in the simplest of cases - press the ‘Select All’ button.

Once you have done this:

  • Actions - Reserve and Release For Picking - All Warehouses (assuming you want to use all warehouses)

  • Choose the basis for determining the pick date (e.g. Ship Date)


  • Press OK and then do not select the ‘Print’ option as per my previous emails. Any orders that had enough stock to be picked will appear in the material queue and it is there you print the material queue report, which can be used as a pick list for stores.

This is a very simple overview, but it should be enough to get you going.

As your determine the business rules for picking you can determine settings like ‘ship complete’ and credit hold, to refine the list of candidate orders to be fulfilled.

Also, a really obvious one, make sure you set ‘Ready To Fulfill’ on your sales order is set to true.

Hope that provides you with enough to get going.



Hello All - Hope you can help… Does anyone know what the BAQ is that runs this?