Does anyone know how to fix this? If you mess with the signatures in the functions, the syntax checker can throw up false errors. Sometimes they will go away with recycling, but this one has been stuck even after moving the functions from environment to environment. It still saves and works fine, but there errors in the error list are super annoying.
I have noticed the same, but didn’t quite know how to describe it at the time, so I didn’t make a ticket.
The way I fixed it was to copy the function manually, ie, recreating it.
Saved, deleted the original, saved, copied the one I just made to the old name, saved, and deleted
the copy.
It was a pain but I was back in business.
It was also inconsistent, I wasn’t sure what I had done to make it happen.
Yeah, not doing that. It’s working…
At some point, I’ll try to explore under the hood and see if I can find the bug… but I’m not quite desperate enough for that.
And frankly, if you (@klincecum ) haven’t yet, it must be harder that I think it is to do that…
No, I was busy, and needed it done now. Only happened to me twice.
Got too much actual work at the moment.