In the Financial Report Designer, you can specify a specific GL Segments (or even down to the GL Acct ) for a row.
But if that accounts Chart has a category assigned, then you cant use the Category for a row in the financial report. Otherwise the account would show on both lines of the financial report.
For example:
A Category Tech Sales exists
Chart 5800 is named Technical Sales and is assigned category Tech Sales
A GL Acct 58-00-03 exists
Having a financial Report row with Selection type Select Category: Tech Sales:
And another row of selection type Select Accts with some account details specified:
Will show as an error when you do a syntax check.
Note that error’s in the Syntax Check don’t prevent the Financial Report from running, but rather show that the output would not be accurate.
Thanks for replying Calvin. I haven’t used the Financials Reports feature before, but will give it a look.
So your your steps would somehow allow me to assign a “category” to an account string, versus just for a segment? Thats ultimately all we want to do, so we can use it in a BAQ.
Unfortunately no. Categories are assigned to Chart segment values. So any GLAcct that uses that chart “belongs” to the chart’s category.
I think the Categories are just “tags” primarily used by the financial reports. While you could use them in a BAQ the same way the Financial Reports does, you’ll need to also check for the specific Account too.