Global Part Linking


our global parts link fine however how can we get it so that in the child company when the global part is linked it carries over fields from the parent company

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It’s a utility called “Global Table”:

  1. Select “Multi Company”. I’ve never seen “All Systems” work.
  2. Select the parent company.
  3. Select PART in the tree
  4. Select the columns you’d like to force to all the child companies and click the arrow to bring them into the Selected Choices box.

You will need to do this in all child companies. Keep in mind, once you do this you will have to update the parent company parts to push the fields to the child companies. This will also work for new parts moving forward. There is a checkbox in the part form that allows for “Global Lock”. If this is checked, it will ignore updates from the parent company. Make sure that is not checked in the child companies.


I second that. We have it set-up for All Systems and All Companies and it works. You make a change to the parent part and, when the Multi-Company Direct Server Process runs, it makes the same change in the child company. Fields selected there will become read-only in the child companies.

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Hello Doug,

Just to clarify do I do this in the child company select multi company then in the company drop down I choose the parent company or is it the other way round ?

Hello i did what you said and now the child company fields are non editable I changed some details in the voltage field in the parent company and added -1 at the end I ran multi company looks like it ran but nothing changed

21/03/2023 15:48:24 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) -------------------- Starting --------------------
21/03/2023 15:48:24 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Started Multi-Company Process
21/03/2023 15:48:26 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Started Outbound Queue Processor
21/03/2023 15:48:26 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - …Processing Outbound Part (ELST01/ELST02) (100020129)…
21/03/2023 15:48:27 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - …Processed Outbound Part (ELST01/ELST02) (100020129) [Time to complete: 00:00:01:391]…
21/03/2023 15:48:27 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - …Processing Outbound VendPart (ELST01/ELST02) (100020130)…
21/03/2023 15:48:28 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - …Processed Outbound VendPart (ELST01/ELST02) (100020130) [Time to complete: 00:00:00:313]…
21/03/2023 15:48:28 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - 2 Outbound Records Sent (ELST01/ELST02)
21/03/2023 15:48:28 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - 2 Outbound Records Received (ELST01/ELST02)
21/03/2023 15:48:28 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Started Inbound Queue Processor
21/03/2023 15:48:31 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Stopping Multi-Company
21/03/2023 15:48:31 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Stopping Inbound Queue Processor
21/03/2023 15:48:31 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Stopping Outbound Queue Processor
21/03/2023 15:48:32 (Server:localhost PID:9300 DB:ELLEPICOR\EpicorERP Task:2370771) Multi-Company Process - Stopped

Does not look like the fields pull over when setting up the global part link in the child company hmmm

Any errors showing in the Integrated Table Workbench?

Hello yes the part I tested with is on the Integrated table workbench on the child company however I see no error

Ohhh I think i know the issue our Primary unit of measure is EA theres is SZT how can I setup a translation

I think once you have a translation, you cannot change it. You probably have to delete the one that’s there and insert a new one (New->Translation) and put your information into the new record.