GRN Importing

I’m currently working on a project to build a new clean Kinetic database and leave 15 years of Epicor Enterprise/E9/E10/E11 history behind us. I’m struggling with how best to bring in open GRN. On our go live we will have lines received and not invoiced. Seems I’m not going to win the battle to avoid that. Clearly I can DMT in some receipts but that’s going to affect stock. Is there no equivalent of the AP/IR invoice loads for GRN that will create me some receipt records but not affect stock?

I would try to DMT the parts to non quantity bearing and then do the receipts, so it would make the accrued AP, but a PUR-UNK and not a PUR-MTL transaction.

The offset would be an expense, so you would need to adjust that back out.

It might be cleaner to just hit stock and then dmt adjust them back out.

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Thanks Greg! Agree that backing it out might be the cleanest.