We are investigating a way to have our planners purchase all material that is direct to job only. We have changed all of the parts to non stock. How would I go about having that information show up on suggestions and buyer workbench.
ON the Job Material ensure that purchase direct is checked per below. Run Generate PO suggestions or full MRP periodically (ours is nightly) to get the latest purchasing suggestions. When the PO gets cut via buyers workbench new suggestions and by clicking Buy on the PO suggestion it’ll make a buy to job on the PO release, per below. When receipt comes in, it will get received directly to job.
Ohh. that is another story! Well the purchasing suggestion gets the job number on it in the new suggestions grid. Maybe you could get the Job’s planner name in there, in that grid. This BPM method that “commandeers” an existing field in timephase is pretty useful and fast. A drawback is using a field for something it wasn’t intended, but I bet there’s some excess fields in the new PO suggestions or a UD you could put in there. You could consider getting the planner in the grid with something similar for the new po suggestions. Time Phase showing link between PO and Job - #3 by Rick_Bird
If your Planners are also setup as valid Buyers, you could setup a BPM on the PO Suggestion process that will change the Buyer the Suggestion is assigned to based on if the demand is Job Direct and/or other values on the suggestion.
Perhaps something like this:
If Suggestion JobNum > 0 and MtlSeq > 0 then query for that Job’s Planner,
Then lookup that Planner’s Buyer ID (perhaps by email address since both Planners & Buyers have an email address field) and then assign the Suggestion Buyer ID to that Buyer ID.
I’ve done override BPM’s on MRP & PO Suggestions before, so if you want more specifics, let me know and I’ll dig them up.
So this would be a Data Directive (In-Transaction) on the SugPoDtl Table.
Use a Condition Widget to check the values of the ttSugPODtl.JobNum and ttSugPODtl.SugType = Mtl and ttSugPODtl.JobSeq > 0 (this means it’s Job Material Direct Suggestion).
If True then use the ‘Update Table By Query’ Widget to find your Job’s Planner, Buyer ID with it’s email address and assign it to the ttSugPODtl.BuyerID.
This is not a copy of a working BPM, it’s just meant to get you in the right direction. Be sure to do this in Test and make sure it’s only updating the records you want. You can ensure that by being as specific as possible with the Query & Relations mapping (like I should have included the PartNum)
(BTW - someone will probably comment that have a query with a relationship between the tt and DB tables is not good practice for performance, and they are right, but for testing this can work.)
Sorry if this seems a bit rushed, I need to finish a few other things today. Let us know how it goes.