We get this error when we ship two Canadian UPS freight collect orders. An identical Canadian UPS freight collect order shipped just fine with no problems. The exact error is this. Have you guys ran into this?
Hard 120412 The shipper cannot use the provided UPS account number as the payment method
No, but that is a UPS message that QS is sending back. Under manifest billing does the one that worked have a different postal code? is it the same ship to address or just the same customer?
you can google that message and get a lot of possible fixes.
There are also kb articles on all those “hard” errors.
We did google and tried a whole bunch of things and hence I posted to the group
Were there differences from the one that worked and the ones that did not?
The UPS APIShipRequest will be on the server for you to compare if you have the generate Carrier XML files option set.
What is sent to UPS is the account and postal.
I didn’t see any difference in the one that worked and did not work. When does this carrier XML file get generated - is it at customer shipment entry or when the order is entered
When the shipment entry is freighted
This is a series of files between Epicor, QuickShip and UPS.