Has Rounding from conversion been fixed for 10.1?

I know others have talked about issues with rounding when using unit conversions in 10.0 and previous (there’s lots of topics out there about it and how to fix the errors it creates). My question is has that been addressed in 10.1. See below for a description the behavior from E-10

Here is the what the issue is:
Basically, the system uses 2 decimal places (or whatever is decided to use) for inventory, but allows more decimal places in the methods to account for multiple qtys to round after the details are brought onto a job. If you stay in the same units it works fine. But we’ve found that if we pick a conversion unit (for example inches, that should convert to ft of inventory), that this rounding when you get details on the jobs doesn’t happen. It leaves all of the decimal places in the number, and then it leaves tiny fractions of inventory in bins so you have qty of 0.00 when the number is 0.00000003 or something ridiculously small. There are ways to fix that, but we’ve just been doing the conversions ourselves when putting quantities in the methods because that’s easier than finding and fixing inventory issues.

Now that you know what I’m talking about, and it’s familiar to many of you I’m sure. Have they fixed that in 10.1? We haven’t upgraded yet and I’ve already got a pretty good list going on reasons to upgrade, but this would be one more and allow us to use the conversions instead of spending time with the calculator.

Thanks in advance for any answers,

Do you have an SCR number for the issue?

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

I didn’t bother calling it in. Enough other people had the same issue and had workarounds for it, that I figured that I wouldn’t get very far with support.

I would find out if there is an SCR then you know the version it is supposed to be fixed in.

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

ok, I sent in a support request, we’ll see what they say.

we are using the 10.1 version and I am still seeing the same issues with rounding from converison .

Thank you, That’s the info that I was looking for!