i am trying to add SSRS Report link when click button using onclick trigger event but it doesn’t work
is there any way that i can open the SSRS report when click on button??
Please help
Could you show what you have tried already?
Can you explain this a little better?
created new tool icon - Report
now trying to add new event onClick when click on report icon generate SSRS report for quote num. which event trigger i can use for it?
Your trigger will be onClick of your button… and then do an app-open for the report.
app-open Parameters:
The “View” will be the menu of the report, for example:
You’ll also have to figure out the “Launch Options” to pass information to the report automatically (if desired). For example, if you’re printing a quote document, you probably want to pass the QuoteNum.
Is this a custom report or a system report?
yes, it is quote document so i want to pass the QuoteNum how?
it is custom report. which is SQL server report. how to link that report ?
No, you don’t have to create a new view. The “view” should match up with whatever the kinetic application is for that report (assuming you generated the application already).
Below are the “Launch Options” for the standard quote form. You could start with that and alter as necessary. Not knowing your custom report, I can’t say what values it may be expecting.
"type": "Ice.Lib.Framework.LaunchFormOptions",
"options": {
"currentVal": "{QuoteHed.QuoteNum}",
"valueIn": "{QuoteHed.QuoteNum}"
i have SSRS Report link
i.e. [RoutingSummary - SQL Server 2022 Reporting Services (camcraft.local)]
Do i have to add that link anywhere?
My apologies, I’m getting a little lost now. Is this a NEW report? or something that you’ve been using already in Kinetic?
I may have to bow out of this one as you are OnPrem and I’m Cloud. I don’t know if there is a different procedure for OnPrem or not.
Part of the process when creating a custom report should be to generate or preview the application. This generates an application (in Kinetic) to print the form. For example, if this is a BAQ Report, in BAQ Report Designer, in the overflow menu, you click on Preview Application and can test it from there.
If you wanted to, you could then create a menu in menu maintenance to launch that “application” so users could print that report. The Kinetic Application would be Ice.UIRpt.BlahBlahBlah (whatever you named the report, typically). That application allows you to print the form.
What you’re doing in this “app-open” event is opening that generated application from within Quote Entry. It will open a slide-out panel with the form you created via BAQ Report Designer and on that slide out you would click print/preview, etc.
If its NOT a BAQ Report, I think you can generate the form via the overflow menu in Report Style Maintenance. But again, my reports are not stored locally (onprem)… so I’m not sure if any of the steps are different.
it is not BAQ report,
I added that report link in menu maintenance.
once i added link in menu i got report in epicor see attachment
now i am trying to add in report style , for that what will be the report service?
please advise and thanks for the help.
Can you run the report via your menu?
yes i can run that report.
but i want to add that link in quote entry screen and use the quote num for run the report
So, if the URL approach is working… let’s try going that route for your button event…
Instead of app-open. Use the url-open widget:
In Parameters you can type paste in the URL address there.
How to pass your QuoteNum, I’m not sure. When you run it through your menu, how do you tell it what QuoteNum to run your report against?
Does the report open in a web-browser window? Is there a URL you can examine and see if the target QuoteNum is in the URL?
yes url-open event is working , report open in a web-browser but when i am in particular quote number i want to run the same quote num , it does not target the quote num. Is there any way that i can add any condition or any parameter or event?
If you run your report through your menu, when you run it against Quote 12345 (for example)… does it open the report in a browser with a URL like:
You can add a reference into the URL-open parameter like below:
{KeyField.QuoteNum} holds the value you need, and if you inject that “placeholder” into your URL parameter, it should pass the value when you click your button.
Does that make sense?
i have to add {keyfields.QuoteNum} in url?
i can not understand well sorry
When running kinetic in the browser, and I open a quote… if I then look at the URL for that webpage I’ll see that quote number referenced in the URL:
So, just to test… when you run your report through your menu…
I’m assuming the report opens in a browser window. Look at the URL there. Can you see the quote number within the URL for whatever quote you ran that report against?