In Epicor 10.2.700.10, is there a way to export a complete multi-level BOM of a Job, which includes Operations, Subassemblies, Material, etc into a CSV or Excel document so that we can add/remove/edit lines for future use and when we want to, just import that into a new BOM or existing BOM?
It needs to be a Multi-level BOM, as the Machines have sub machines inside the sub machines. I have seen discussions on here, but nothing concrete.
There is nothing out-of-the-box that would do what you want.
In Epicor, all the BOMs are actually stored in SQL as single-level, with a flag (Pull As Assembly) on a material record indicating that needs to be considered a subassembly. You’d have to HEAVILY modify the existing BOM Listing report (or create one of your own) that would spit out the information needed to create the DMT upload(s) required.
Oh, that is what I was afraid of, though had a glimmer of hope there was something I was missing. We are using CADLink to import a BOM, from a machine, and can export a CSV from CADLink, but was trying a figure out a way of importing that CSV back into Epicor (modified) but could not find a way. I have posed the question to Qbuild as well, I hope they can provide some information. I will post if i get something, thank you.
What you are requesting is not to import a multi-level bill, what you are actually asking to do is to import several BOM’s for parts that are related to the same parent. The difference between a BOM for a parent item and a child item is simply what is in the BOM. The format of the data you need is identical regardless of the item being a parent or a child item.
If you think of your challenge as “how do I export, edit and import methods for several items at one time”, you may have better success finding a path forward.
Actually, I thought the same but with the latest DMT not only can you, but an incredibly boring lady shows you how to do it, just the way I needed it. She gave all the information, but needs to learn how to present, which means you need to watch it a few times, and its a 28 minute video. The DMT now has these videos built in, when I first stared playing with DMT, 3 years ago, there was nothing on it, so DMT has come a long way.
You are right though, it is several imports and exports, but in the end, its pretty easy. Thanks so much for chimming in.
By the way, the DMT I am using is part of the 10.2.700.10 package.
With the latest DMT not only can you, but an incredibly boring lady shows you how to do it, just the way I needed it. She gave all the information, but needs to learn how to present, which means you need to watch it a few times, and its a 28 minute video. The DMT now has these videos built in, when I first stared playing with DMT, 3 years ago, there was nothing on it, so DMT has come a long way.
All included in 10.2.700.10.
Actually, I thought the same but with the latest DMT is out of the box and you can, an incredibly boring lady shows you how to do it, just the way I needed it. She gave all the information, but needs to learn how to present, which means you need to watch it a few times, and its a 28 minute video.
The DMT now has these videos built in, when I first stared playing with DMT, 3 years ago, there was nothing on it, so DMT has come a long way, version 10.2.700.10.
always a pleasure my friend, so very happy I could help. I feel like I am always asking questions and never contributing. Also, if you are using Solidworks, you WANT to look into Qbuild CADLink, it IS AMAZING.
Drop in an assembly from the PDM Professional vault, that single file, it it builds a full BOM, and once you apply it, that BOM goes directly into EPicor, an all those pieces and parts go into Epicor as well, its a HUGE timesaver.