How can I Un-Snooze Sales Order Entry Kinetic


I “Snoozed” the sales order entry Kinetic interface when testing 10.2.700.

Does anyone know how i can “Un-Snooze” the Kinetic interface?


This is saved as a personalization, not sure if you can unsooze it from the UI, but it is saved on Ice.XXXDef

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Mr. Jonathan: Thank you - that was it.

I deleted the Personalization and I now get the Banner asking about Kinetic.

Thanks again,

@DaveOlender how did you delete the personalization?

Mr. Notta: I must admit i do not remember. i am working in Classic right now - so difficult to test. Have you tried Right click personalization and then Delete? or try the 3 dots in the upper right and Persoanlization → Delete?

I am just spit balling here.


If you are trying to remove your own personalization from a classic screen, you can just do reset layouts to base in the tools menu on the specific screen, or use the personalization purge program. There isn’t any way to remove an entire personalization in kinetic, although there should be.

This does not work, or at least it did not work for me and a few of my users.

What did work was following the steps in this EpicCare Knowledge Base article: KB0114121

I guess you missed that part of my answer :slight_smile:

Oh man, yes I did. I’m sorry. Crazy day!

Has anyone tried this since upgrading to 2022.2 ?
Should this allow me to reset a user back to the classic screen once they have chosen the Kinetic version, or does it only bring back the snooze option if they have elected to snooze?

This removes all of the User’s Personalizations on that screen, not just the SNOOZE function. :frowning: