I need to ship multiple shipments “blind”… Meaning, our customer submitted an order to us and wants us to ship to their customer, but they don’t want their customer to know that the shipment came from us so all shipping paperwork needs to be void of our address as the “shipping from” address and our contact information. How can I do this?
Either create a different report style that doesn’t include that info, or just create them manually in Word or something. Or print normal ones, then whiteout/cover with a piece of paper then make a photocopy.
Have you thought about modifying the Pack Slip and adding it as a report
style in Customer Shipment Entry? We did that for several different
customers that wanted blind shipments. We modified the pack slip to show
their customer name and address instead of ours
Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner
Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 mwagner@capstoneap.com (cell)
| www.capstoneap.com
I was afraid of that… Our Epicor Consultants never taught us how to create different reports… And I have 100+ blind shipments I have to do and really didn’t want to create them manually in Word… But it looks like that is my only option… Thanks!
Krista you may want to consider a fairly simple customization. You can add
some fields to Customer shipment entry for the “customer name and address”
you want to display on the blind pack slip. Then you would have only one
modified pack slip that would print that customer information on each pack.
You could also include a button with a lookup to your sold to’s and
retrieve the customer and address information instead of having to manually
type the information in each time
Would save you from having to store many customer specific report styles
and in the long run save you many manual hours typing it in a word document
Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner
Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 mwagner@capstoneap.com (cell)
| www.capstoneap.com
I would agree that would be the best option. However, I was never taught how to make custom/modified Pack Slip report or how to add fields… I’ll just have to do a little bit more Googling!! Thank you so much for all of your help!
On the Sales Order releases there is a “Mark For” tab. This can work well if you’re sending it to the distributor, and they are then sending it to the end customer.