How do you handle Weld Fixtures in Epicor

I was just curious how different companies handle Fixtures with Epicor. We are considering making them resources but are not sure if this is the best way to handle them. Any suggestions out there?

you can handle them in a few ways.

  1. treat it as a $0 cost part that you issue to the job and return from the job when its used and returned. This option is good if you want an inventory team to manage sending it to a line.
  2. treat as a resource part of the Op that is using it. This option is good if you want to use scheduling and capacity constraints.
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@Craig mentions a couple of ways, however you decide make sure the methodology supports the scale you are looking at. If you’re working with hundreds of fixtures and their life cycle is short lived for the products they support, using resources will turn into a S### show fast in my experience. Putting them as an item in your BOM (phantom, something you issue, cost vs. no cost) are all viable as well. No matter what, consider how you’ll maintain it and who? Maybe you have periodic maintenance to consider and want alerts based on usage etc… The larger the scale the more options you have to manage it via part number/materials. I assume many of these have an inventory value or are likely capex items too.

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