How to Auto-Generate CSV for Shipping Labels with Packslip Print?

Hey All,

I’m currently trying to create a BPM that triggers whenever a packslip is printed, including reprints, to simultaneously generate a CSV file for bartender shipping labels. The challenge I’m facing is identifying a method that only triggers with the packslip print action. Using a data definition based on the printed field status doesn’t seem viable, as there isn’t a data change in a field when a pack slip is re printed.

I’ve explored using the PrintSlip method under the CustShip BO, but it doesn’t trigger as expected during the packslip printing process. Our goal is to streamline this into a single print action, preferably without requiring client-side customizations or additional buttons.

Any approach or workaround that enables the automatic generation of a CSV file for bartender shipping labels concurrently with the printing of a packslip. The solution should ideally activate with the same print action for the packslip without relying on client-side customizations or additional manual steps.

Any advice, suggestions, or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!