How do I change the Quote header and footer in vista 8.04?
I know it is in Crystal Reports but not where it stored?
How do I change the Quote header and footer in vista 8.04?
I know it is in Crystal Reports but not where it stored?
If I remember correctly, there is a Quote parameters program in the setup folder. It should be there.
Charlie Smith
CRS Consulting Services
Which data on the header and footer would you like to change? The actual content (like your phone number) or do you want to add/delete/move fields?
For existing content you want to change, let us know which ones and we can tell you what the fields in the database are. If you want to add/delete/move things around, you will need the Crystal Report Writer.
Just some text on the header and footer like take out the 2008 after ISO
And on the footer change some of the wording on it
Where is the report stored in vista?
The reports themselves are not in Vista. The report files are usually stored in the D:\MFGSYSDATA\REPORTS\CUSTOMREPORTS folder, and you’ll need the Crystal Report Writer to edit them.
Nate –
This could also be set in the Company Configuration area under Modules
à All Modules
à Sales à Quotation
There are 2 lines for quote messages.
If not, then the fields would have been customized in the Crystal Report. There is a header and footer for the report. The text would be editable only in Crystal Reports.
Hope this helps!
Thank you in advance,
Calvin Dekker
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