How to change Text Box Colour in Application Studio?

Looking at Rules, can’t see which rule i would use to change the background colour of a text box in Application Studio ? I can highlight it, but, how would you remove the background ?

Hi Emma,

Just so I have a little more info - where are you defining the rules for the text box? Configurator Rules or someplace else?

To Highlight it, I am adding a new data rule and setting the action as SettingStyle.Status of the field to status Highlight.

Are you asking how you could “remove the background” as in, removing the highlight?

This would all be done in the same data rule, based on the condition(s) you create.

For example, a condition where if the PO field on a Sales Order is empty… highlight it. That way, if it is empty, it is highlighted, but as soon as someone enters a value, the highlight is removed.

If you have more details on your instance, perhaps we can help more.