How to connect SaaS IDC to a database for validation lists

Our customer is using SaaS IDC for part of their AP process. We need to set up a validation list of all their vendors and the vendor ID, so when IDC pulls a vendor name, it can verify it’s correct, and then autofill its ID.

My question is basically this: how can I get cloud-based IDC to see a database (specifically an ODBC connector set up on a VM with MySQL running on it).

In DocStar, it’s easy, as long as the client is set up, DocStar can see the ODBC. I have the very same DB connected to DocStar, so I know it works.

I have the IDC clients installed, but I guess they don’t facilitate this as I still can’t connect to the ODBC.

Under the Batch Type is a Validation List option. Within there you can setup a connection to databases. With that established, you can then use SQL formulas in the Document Form Definitions of the fields you’re looking to populate.

Oh yep I’ve found that - it’s specifically the “establishing the connection” bit I’m struggling with.

If this was self-hosted IDC, it’d be easy as the DB would likely be on the same machine. But on the cloud, how does IDC “see” the DB on my VM?

Give a call to Ancora, they will help you set it up. They have a database that you can connect to, and you can push stuff into that database for lookups.

This is likely your best bet. I forgot that with some recent updates to IDC, they have tightened the security and users may need to create a “go-between” database for lookup purposes.

Nuts, I was hoping to be able to do this without yet another 3rd party.


Ancora isn’t another 3rd party. They are the company that runs IDC. They are “Epicor” because epicor owns them (or they whitelist through them… I’m not sure), but they have their own support system. They are quite good, and very responsive. It also doesn’t cost you anything. You might have to work with Epicor support to get a login into their system, but after that you can work directly with them.

My understanding of IDC (Ancora) is that Epicor leases the programming from them, but doesn’t own them. Not sure if that is the case, but I believe that’s how it is.

I only mention this as I don’t think there is much that Epicor can do to help with this type of configuration. For the customer I have been working with, I put them in contact with IDC Support directly to work through this setup as there wasn’t anything I could provide in the way of helping them configure the connection(s).

This is my understanding too. I always thought that Ancora Software is more like Workato than DocStar/ECM. Epicor used a different IDC software before Ancora. @MikeGross remembers since he purchased it right before the switch.

My point is. You can call them, they are the ones that are running the software that you are already using, and they can help you set up a connection to a database. You don’t need to hire anyone else.

another tidbit...

If you get fancy you can even set up an external connection to a different database :wink: I don’t know if this is sanctioned or not, but we managed to do it. Otherwise they will have you set up some schedule with a powershell script to upload to this database.

You’re absolutely right. I have also connected IDC to another database other than Epicor and that’s where the PowerShell aspect comes in. Glad to know I’m not the only one doing these things lol

Can confirm - Epicor owns ECM (Docstar) now, but OEM’s IDC and Workato platforms to Epicor customers.

And there is a second IDC/OCR platform that will work with Docstar - called docAlpha from Artsyl AP Automation | Smart Document Processing Software | Artsyl ( It’s popular in Europe and it was the product that Epicor was selling with Docstar back before the purchase. It’s a fine product, albeit very different.

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