How to Disable Kinetic UI Globally in 2022.2?

Continuing the discussion from Where did Kinetic Application Maintenance go?:

We’re in process of upgrading from 10.2.400 to 2022.2; Our plan is to get through the upgrade with our UI as untouched as possible (everyone still using the classic programs, regardless of which home screen type they use). Then, we will begin transitioning our customizations over to Kinetic, doing testing, and eventual rollout by department

So, now that they have removed Kinetic Application Maintenance in 2022.2, has anyone worked out what the best method is for completely shutting off Kinetic UI screens for now, while still leaving the option there to, in the future, start transitioning them to “user choice” or Kinetic UI on a per-department (or group of menus, or maybe group of users). I looked at the new Kinetic version of Menu Maintenance, but it seems that no matter what menu I look at, if I go to three dot menu and Kinetic Options, the “Enable New UI” and “Enable User Choice” options are ALWAYS unchecked. I even tried checking them a bunch of places to see if setting it and then unsetting it would work, but as soon as I refresh or reload, they are unchecked anyhow, like it’s just completely broken.

And when I launch Epicor, and start launching programs, it seems random what screen I’ll get - classic, classic with user choice to switch, or Kinetic. Kinetic seems to really be what it wants to show me for Report printing, which is bad for us since we use Epicor Document Sender (still) and need that “Send via Email” button to show up on the classic report print dialogs.

Is running a DMT to set something on all the users somehow possible? Is it the best way to do this now?

If the functionality in your screenshot is the same as how it was in kinetic application maintenance, then I would expect if you toggle enable new ui on, then save, then toggle it off, then save again, that it would disable kinetic across the board.

I thought that might work too @aosemwengie1, but it seems whatever those checkboxes are I either completely don’t understand them or they are broken in 2022.2.5

If I open Main Menu, then goto … > Kinetic Options, then check the checkbox, hit apply, then hit save and immediately without even reloading go back to … > Kinetic Options, everything is unchecked again… doesn’t seem to matter how I try, it’s like the checkboxes aren’t actually hooked up to anything in the application or database.

That’s really odd. I don’t have 2022.2 installed yet so I can’t test it myself, but probably somebody else here knows how it is supposed to work now!

I made a UBAQ to update the user’s “User Preferences” that works well.
UpdateUserFormStyle.baq (38.4 KB)


The problem with updating the user preference is they will still get the prompt to use the new app when the classic app opens. If you don’t want them to have the option to open the kinetic version at all it has to be disabled completely. At least in 2021.2 - I don’t know if its different in the later versions.

There are ways around that for the willing.
We modified one of the DLLs to get rid of the prompt.
Downside is we have to modify it each time we upgrade, but it’s the best solution we’ve found.

I don’t know if its the BEST option, but I have done it by DMT.

This is for 2022.2. Use the Menu template.

  1. If you’re SaaS, include the Company field and set it to your Company ID
  2. Set the OptionType field to I
  3. Set DefaultFormType to Default
  4. Remove the –KineticUI value from the Arguments


Don’t go whole hog right away until you’re sure it works.


Listen To Your Heart Bachelor Nation GIF by The Bachelor




I still have scars from this one. I’ll go small first. I can always go big later.

Thanks @hmwillett - I saw your UBAQ on a different post, but it was old enough I wasn’t sure if you’d still be doing things that way or not. Is that hacked customized dll you have to remove the “you should try Kinetic UI” prompt a client dll I assume? Is it something that is super-duper versions specific?

Thanks @Ernie - I may just end up using a combination of these approaches to get things just right.

Yes and depends. If they modified whatever DLL it was in that patch level, then you’ll have to modify it again as it will get overwritten during the upgrade process. I don’t even remember what the DLL name is. :woman_facepalming:t2: I think it was Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll

Yup, that’s the one I did as well.

I figured out by looking at the Menu records in the database that the new Menu Maintenance (Kinetic UI) screenshots I’m showing above are changing the Ice.Menu.DefaultFormType to “Base” on all the menu/submenus in the database. I’m curious, do you know what the -KineticUI argument does, if that is still there? Could it be that is what is causing this to display?

Or did your users still have to put up with that @Ernie ?

I don’t know all the specifics of what each field does… I had manually changed one of the forms and then looked at the differences in the menu records.

After changing the menus the nag bar does not appear.

Out of curiousity, do you need the SDK to modify Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll?


I’m also very curious about this! I actually wanted to ask @Doug.C and/or @hmwillett if they could provide us with the modified dll, but I didn’t know if that would be taboo on this forum, and I imagine you’d want that library to be super version-specific or end up breaking things.

DnSpy or the like.

I don’t think sharing it would be appropriate and it’s one of those “Do at your own risk” kind of things.


Completely understand, I would be nervous myself about my company being liable for me posting something like that. But thanks or the reminder about DnSpy.

And I would really hesitate to do anything like this in a production environment. A lot of times I use this to show development/support where the bug is and how to fix it…