How to filter on subcontract operations in Supplier Price List


I’m writing a query on the Supplier Price List table (VendPart) in which I only want to return rows that are for sub-contract operations parts. When I look at the field help on the Supplier Price List screen the fields under the Parts tab and the fields under the Subcontract Operations tab both refer to the same table - VendPart. And indeed I see both in this table However, I’m not sure which field to look at to filter this way.

I thought that maybe I could look for the presence or absence of an OpCode or a specific OpCode, but when I sample a few PartNums that I know should correspond to subcontract operations, I see multiple opcodes and sometimes no opcode at all.

I did a trace when I search for a part in the supplier price list subcontract operation tab, and it appears that the presence of an opcode is the way it distinguishes the two. It appears that the part I thought was for a subcontract operations wasn’t.