How to find quantity on order?

I have written a dashboard that lists all parts with an assortment of details on each part. One of the requests is “Total Demand Qty”, “Qty On Hand” and “Qty On Order”. I have found the first two, but where do I find the “Qty On Order”? Is there a database field somewhere or is it calculated from purchase orders? If it is calculated from purchase orders, how do I find them. If I limit my search to open purchase orders, what about lines that have been received. When does an item move to quantity on hand, as soon as it is received or after it is received and the PO closed?

QOH is incremented upon receipt (actually marking the pack slip “received”. Marking it just “arrived”, won’t show as QOH).

If the received complete setting on a PO receipt entry is what drives the PO’s release and line to be marked closed.

Take a look at the PartDtl table. It’s basically timephase without the onhand qty. You will need a group by and some calculated fields, but all the demand and supply will be there.

as @Carson mentioned, if it is not on PartDtl, then create a subquery on PO and sum all Open PO lines/releases not yet received and link it to your top level query, also this information and much more already exist in the Purchase Advisor view screen

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Thanks for the input, I am finally able to get back to work on this.

I was able to get the info I needed in a separate SQL query, but when I add it to my BAQ, I get garbage numbers. |i used an inner join, but should be doing something different?
Working Query

SELECT [podetail].[partnum]                      AS [PODetail_PartNum], 
       ( Sum(porel.relqty - porel.receivedqty) ) AS [Calculated_OrderQty] 
FROM   erp.poheader AS POHeader 
       LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.podetail AS PODetail 
                    ON = 
                       AND poheader.ponum = podetail.ponum 
                       AND ( podetail.openline = 1 
                             AND podetail.voidline = 0 ) 
       INNER JOIN erp.porel AS PORel 
               ON = 
                  AND podetail.ponum = porel.ponum 
                  AND podetail.poline = porel.poline 
                  AND ( porel.openrelease = 1 
                        AND porel.voidrelease = 0 ) 
WHERE  ( poheader.openorder = 1 
         AND poheader.voidorder = 0 ) 
GROUP  BY podetail.partnum 

BAQ Query with above query added as Subquery5

SELECT [part].[typecode]                         AS [Part_TypeCode], 
   (( CASE 
        WHEN part.typecode = 'M' THEN 'Manufactured' 
        ELSE ( CASE 
                 WHEN part.typecode = 'P' THEN 'Purchased' 
                 ELSE '' 
               END ) 
      END ))                                 AS [Calculated_PartType], 
   [part].[inactive]                         AS [Part_InActive], 
   (( CASE 
        WHEN part.inactive = 1 THEN 'Inactive' 
        ELSE 'Active' 
      END ))                                 AS [Calculated_PartStatus], 
   [part].[partnum]                          AS [Part_PartNum], 
   [part].[partdescription]                  AS [Part_PartDescription], 
   [part].[searchword]                       AS [Part_SearchWord], 
   [puragent].[name]                         AS [PurAgent_Name], 
   [part].[nonstock]                         AS [Part_NonStock], 
   [part].[qtybearing]                       AS [Part_QtyBearing], 
   [part].[costmethod]                       AS [Part_CostMethod], 
   ( CASE 
       WHEN part.costmethod = 'A' THEN 'Average' 
       WHEN part.costmethod = 'L' THEN 'Last' 
       WHEN part.costmethod = 'S' THEN 'Standard' 
       WHEN part.costmethod = 'T' THEN 'Avg by Lot' 
       ELSE '' 
     END )                                   AS [Calculated_CostMethod], 
   [partplant].[backflush]                   AS [PartPlant_BackFlush], 
   [partplant].[generatesugg]                AS [PartPlant_GenerateSugg], 
   [part].[uomclassid]                       AS [Part_UOMClassID], 
   [part].[ium]                              AS [Part_IUM], 
   [part].[salesum]                          AS [Part_SalesUM], 
   [part].[pum]                              AS [Part_PUM], 
   [part].[prodcode]                         AS [Part_ProdCode], 
   [prodgrup].[description]                  AS [ProdGrup_Description], 
   [part].[classid]                          AS [Part_ClassID], 
   [partclass].[description]                 AS [PartClass_Description], 
   [part].[mtlanalysiscode]                  AS [Part_MtlAnalysisCode], 
   [part].[netweight]                        AS [Part_NetWeight], 
   [part].[netweightuom]                     AS [Part_NetWeightUOM], 
   (( CASE 
        WHEN part.netweight = 0 THEN '' 
        ELSE part.netweightuom 
      END ))                                 AS [Calculated_NetWeightUOM], 
   [part].[partlength]                       AS [Part_PartLength], 
   [part].[partwidth]                        AS [Part_PartWidth], 
   [part].[partlengthwidthheightum]          AS 
   [part].[thickness]                        AS [Part_Thickness], 
   [part].[thicknessum]                      AS [Part_ThicknessUM], 
   [partplant].[reorderlevel]                AS [PartPlant_ReOrderLevel], 
   [partplant].[minimumqty]                  AS [PartPlant_MinimumQty], 
   [partplant].[maximumqty]                  AS [PartPlant_MaximumQty], 
   [partplant].[minorderqty]                 AS [PartPlant_MinOrderQty], 
   [partplant].[leadtime]                    AS [PartPlant_LeadTime], 
   [partplant].[mfglotmultiple]              AS [PartPlant_MfgLotMultiple], 
   [partplant].[daysofsupply]                AS [PartPlant_DaysOfSupply], 
   ( partcost.stdlaborcost 
     + partcost.stdburdencost 
     + partcost.stdmaterialcost 
     + partcost.stdsubcontcost 
     + partcost.stdmtlburcost )              AS [Calculated_StdTotalCost], 
   ( partcost.avglaborcost 
     + partcost.avgburdencost 
     + partcost.avgmaterialcost 
     + partcost.avgsubcontcost 
     + partcost.avgmtlburcost )              AS [Calculated_AvgTotalCost], 
   ( partcost.lastlaborcost 
     + partcost.lastburdencost 
     + partcost.lastmaterialcost 
     + partcost.lastsubcontcost 
     + partcost.lastmtlburcost )             AS [Calculated_LastTotalCost], 
   [SubQuery2].[calculated_lastpurchasedate] AS 
   (( CASE 
        WHEN ( prodgrup.description ) IS NULL THEN '' 
        ELSE prodgrup.description 
      END ))                                 AS 
   [SubQuery3].[parttran1_ponum]             AS [PartTran1_PONum], 
   [partwhse].[demandqty]                    AS [PartWhse_DemandQty], 
   [partwhse].[onhandqty]                    AS [PartWhse_OnHandQty], 
   [SubQuery5].[calculated_orderqty]         AS [Calculated_OrderQty] 
FROM   erp.part AS Part 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.partclass AS PartClass 
                ON = 
                   AND part.classid = partclass.classid 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.partplant AS PartPlant 
                ON = 
                   AND part.partnum = partplant.partnum 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.puragent AS PurAgent 
                ON = 
                   AND partplant.buyerid = puragent.buyerid 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.prodgrup AS ProdGrup 
                ON = 
                   AND part.prodcode = prodgrup.prodcode 
   INNER JOIN erp.partcost AS PartCost 
           ON = 
              AND part.partnum = partcost.partnum 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT [Part1].[partnum]          AS [Part1_PartNum], 
                           ( Max(parttran.trandate) ) AS 
                    FROM   erp.part AS Part1 
                           INNER JOIN erp.parttran AS PartTran 
                                   ON = 
                                      AND Part1.partnum = parttran.partnum 
                                      AND ( parttran.tranclass = 'R' 
                                            AND parttran.trantype = 
                                                'PUR-STK' ) 
                    GROUP  BY Part1.partnum) AS SubQuery2 
                ON part.partnum = SubQuery2.part1_partnum 
   LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT [PartTran1].[partnum]        AS 
                           [PartTran1].[tranclass]      AS 
                           [PartTran1].[trantype]       AS 
                           [PartTran1].[trandate]       AS 
                           [PartTran1].[mtlunitcost]    AS 
                           [PartTran1].[lbrunitcost]    AS 
                           [PartTran1].[burunitcost]    AS 
                           [PartTran1].[subunitcost]    AS 
                           [PartTran1].[mtlburunitcost] AS 
                           [PartTran1].[extcost]        AS 
                           [PartTran1].[vendornum]      AS 
                           [PartTran1].[jobnum]         AS 
                           [PartTran1].[assemblyseq]    AS 
                           [PartTran1].[jobseqtype]     AS 
                           [PartTran1].[jobseq]         AS 
                           [PartTran1].[ponum]          AS [PartTran1_PONum] 
[PartTran1].[poline]         AS [PartTran1_POLine], 
[PartTran1].[porelnum]       AS [PartTran1_PORelNum], 
[PartTran1].[ordernum]       AS [PartTran1_OrderNum], 
[PartTran1].[orderline]      AS [PartTran1_OrderLine], 
[PartTran1].[orderrelnum]    AS [PartTran1_OrderRelNum] 
FROM   erp.parttran AS PartTran1 
WHERE  ( PartTran1.tranclass = 'R' 
  AND PartTran1.trantype = 'PUR-STK' 
  AND PartTran1.extcost >= 0 )) AS SubQuery3 
ON SubQuery2.part1_partnum = SubQuery3.parttran1_partnum 
AND SubQuery2.calculated_lastpurchasedate = 
LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.partwhse AS PartWhse 
ON = 
AND part.partnum = partwhse.partnum 
INNER JOIN (SELECT [podetail].[partnum]                      AS 
( Sum(porel.relqty - porel.receivedqty) ) AS 
FROM   erp.poheader AS POHeader 
LEFT OUTER JOIN erp.podetail AS PODetail 
    ON = 
       AND poheader.ponum = podetail.ponum 
       AND ( podetail.openline = 1 
             AND podetail.voidline = 0 ) 
INNER JOIN erp.porel AS PORel 
   ON = 
  AND podetail.ponum = porel.ponum 
  AND podetail.poline = porel.poline 
  AND ( porel.openrelease = 1 
        AND porel.voidrelease = 0 ) 
WHERE  ( poheader.openorder = 1 
AND poheader.voidorder = 0 ) 
GROUP  BY podetail.partnum) AS SubQuery5 
ON part.partnum = SubQuery5.podetail_partnum

it easier if you screen shot your BAQ, and highlight the unwanted records or the errors instead of pasting the generated SQL statement

Disregard last comments, I have this working. I was just being stupid and running SQL quuery against LIVE and BAQ query against TEST. Numbers matched once I looked at same database for both.