I want to disable the Don’t show this dialog again Delete Confirmation feature of the New PO Suggestion screen
When I check Don’t show this dialog again, the system will not show the Delete Confirmation dialog box again
Then the system will save a Personalization for the user I am doing
select Content,* from [Ice].[XXXDef] where TypeCode='Personalization' and Key1='haitv' and key2='App.POSuggEntry.POSuggEntryForm'
This is the data of column Content
NewPOSuggesitionCustomization.xml (29.6 KB)
Is there a way for me to update the values of these 2 properties to True for all Personalization of the screen New PO Suggestion
I’m trying to use SQL update but it doesn’t work
select cast ( REPLACE( cast(Content as nvarchar(max)),N'
<Company />
<Plant />
<DcdUserID />
<GroupID />
<PropertiesID />
<Company />
<Plant />
<DcdUserID />
<GroupID />
<PropertiesID />
) as xml)
from [Ice].[XXXDef] where TypeCode='Personalization' and Key1='haitv' and key2='App.POSuggEntry.POSuggEntryForm'
Thank you very much! Have a good day!