How to keep the Delete Confirmation dialog box - Don't show this dialog again at New PO Suggestion

I want to disable the Don’t show this dialog again Delete Confirmation feature of the New PO Suggestion screen

When I check Don’t show this dialog again, the system will not show the Delete Confirmation dialog box again
Then the system will save a Personalization for the user I am doing

select Content,* from [Ice].[XXXDef] where TypeCode='Personalization' and Key1='haitv' and key2='App.POSuggEntry.POSuggEntryForm'

This is the data of column Content
NewPOSuggesitionCustomization.xml (29.6 KB)

Is there a way for me to update the values ​​of these 2 properties to True for all Personalization of the screen New PO Suggestion

I’m trying to use SQL update but it doesn’t work

select cast ( REPLACE( cast(Content as nvarchar(max)),N'
		<Company />
		<Plant />
		<DcdUserID />
		<GroupID />
		<PropertiesID />
		<Company />
		<Plant />
		<DcdUserID />
		<GroupID />
		<PropertiesID />
	) as xml)
	from [Ice].[XXXDef]  where TypeCode='Personalization' and Key1='haitv' and key2='App.POSuggEntry.POSuggEntryForm'

Thank you very much! Have a good day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you open the form in Cusomization Mode and then change your Form Options, then click Save Layouts it will write your entire Options to the Custom XML… You can then modify the Custom XML and remove all other things and just leave respective ConfirmOptions.

The other way is to use code.