Try dragging the column headers around on the actual grid to the left. Then they show up in the new arrangement in Grid Model > Columns
Yes, that works but it gets tedious real fast when you have over a dozen columns. The Classic designer was bad enough that it’d only move one column up/down at a time --unlike the BAQ designer.
We’re moving to 2024.2 this fall so if the grid model trick is a 2024.x feature I’m looking forward to it.
I did this in 2023.2.
You don’t do anything in the properties - you drag and drop in the WYSIWYG editor.
Dragging and dropping in the WYSIWYG editor gets tedious quick when you have >10ish columns. The Classic designer, while flawed, had a superior design to reorder columns. The Kinetic personalization method would be preferred than dragging around columns in the editor.
We’ll see how your idea is implemented in 2024.2 though.
I am currently on 2023.2 and I swear you can just “personalize” the grid while in app studio and the grid order persists.
For every user? Or is it a personalization?
Where does it persist? In Preview? in Grid Model > Columns? Does it change the order there?
While in the designer, I can flip the “personalization” and when I publish it it becomes a customization. It seems to edit the order of Grid Model > Columns. Sizes of the columns also seem to persist and update the “width” when editing the grid directly. But if you had to move a lot of columns using the personalization from the overflow on the editor, I can just move the columns around that way, I find it easier to do as I can search/enable/drag items faster.
On my user, I do not keep personalization’s enabled as I want to see everything as “stock” all the time.
Actually you can select all the rows you want to move past the column you want above and click the down arrow…
But if you went to a different user, all of those changes applied to them as well?
Again, they have an “idea” for this exact thing that they’re saying will be delivered in 2024.2.
Not doubting you… just confused.
Only if it is applied to the layer can another user see it, but I can do some testing on that as I never looked on another user account. I typically just edit a grid and publish it as an edit to a new or existing layer. I haven’t heard others not seeing the changes.
I wasn’t aware of the idea, but if they could pull it off, that would be helpful.
No worries, I would be too. To be honest, it has been inconsistent, and only works when I first open a layer. after previewing one or twice that behavior goes away.
I find this out now I’m nearly done uplifting out dashboards But seriously, thanks for the tip, I’ll have to give it a shot!