How to preset Backflush deduct Partnum Bin

Hi, could anyone guide me how to preset backflush deduct Partnum Bin?

Backflushing only affects the warehouse that is associated with the job; it does not always affect the warehouse of the inventory location. The Backflushing logic uses the following hierarchy to locate the warehouse/bin from which to issue the material:

  • If the available quantity on hand is greater than zero, it uses the input warehouse/bin (defined in the Input Warehouse and In Bin fields in the Resource Group Maintenance > Resources > Detail sheet) for the resource associated with the job operation.
  • If an inadequate available inventory balance exists in the input warehouse/bin defined in the Resource Group Maintenance > Resources > Detail sheet (or none has been defined), it uses the input warehouse/bin defined in the Input Warehouse and In Bin fields in Resource Group Maintenance for the resource group associated with the job operation (if the available quantity on hand is greater than zero).
  • If an inadequate available inventory balance exists in the input warehouse/bin defined in Resource Group Maintenance (or none has been defined), it uses the backflush warehouse/bin (defined in the Backflush Warehouse and Backflush Bin fields in the Resource Group Maintenance > Resources > Detail sheet) for the resource associated with the job operation (if the available quantity on hand is greater than zero).
  • If an inadequate available inventory balance exists in the backflush warehouse/bin defined the Resource Group Maintenance > Resources > Detail sheet (or none has been defined), it uses the backflush warehouse/bin (defined in the Backflush Warehouse and Backflush Bin fields in Resource Group Maintenance) for the resource group associated with the job operation (if the available quantity on hand is greater than zero).
  • If an inadequate available inventory balance exists in the backflush warehouse/bin defined in Resource Group Maintenance (or none has been defined), it uses the primary bin defined in the Primary Bin field in Warehouse Maintenance for the associated job material warehouse (if the available quantity on hand is greater than zero).
  • If an inadequate available inventory balance exists in the primary bin defined in Warehouse Maintenance (or none has been defined), it uses the first bin for the associated job material warehouse that contains a quantity for the Inventory unit of measure defined for the component part being backflushed (if the available quantity on hand is greater than zero).
  • If an inadequate available inventory balance exists in a warehouse bin for the Inventory unit of measure defined for the component part being backflushed, it uses the first bin in the job material warehouse that has an available quantity, regardless of unit of measure.

Copied from the Field Help within Epicor

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