How to purchase this part?

How about you order 1 sheet to inventory with a note to drop ship it to your subcontractor.

Then either issue 1/6th of the sheet to 6 different travelers... where each job has an outside machining operation where the parts are created....

or you can you the Co-Parts functionality, where you have 5 parts be Co-Parts and are automatically created when you make 1 part number.

How would you purchase this?  We buy a sheet of material from a source who automatically sends it to one of our subcontractors.  They then cut that sheet up into 6 different parts.  Is there a way to order one material and then receive it to 6 different part #'s?  Thanks.

My first thought would be to direct your subcontractor to purchase the sheet and ‘Buy’ the six part numbers from your subcontractor.

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St.
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311
Mobile: 715-896-3119
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From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 9:55 AM
Subject: [Vantage] How to purchase this part?

How would you purchase this? We buy a sheet of material from a source who automatically sends it to one of our subcontractors. They then cut that sheet up into 6 different parts. Is there a way to order one material and then receive it to 6 different part #'s? Thanks.

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