How to Stop Loading Slider for Dashboard Filter on Load in Kinetic Epicor?


I’m currently working with a dashboard in Epicor Kinetic, and I’ve noticed that the slider for the dashboard filter loads automatically every time the dashboard is accessed. I would like to prevent this slider from loading automatically and only activate it when needed. Is there a way to configure the dashboard settings or customize the filter behavior to achieve this?

Attached is a screenshot for reference.

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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I have to assume there is an event in your dashboard to open that slider. Did you create, or can you find any events in your dashboard that includes the “slider-open” action?

It could be that the event is being triggered when the dashboard loads. If you can find the event, you can repoint the trigger to something else, like a button click.

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Yes there is an event “Form_OnLoad” but it is an system event therefore it’s locked and cannot be modified. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Cool… you found it. if you want to stop that behavior, then you’ll need to create your OWN Form_OnLoad event.

Right-click on the event in the tree view and select “Copy”.

This will create an editable version. Delete the slider-open action.

Then on the trigger of your new copy, you’ll want the below settings:

Now your new copy (without the slider-open) will “Override” the stock Form_OnLoad event.


Hi @dcamlin thank you so much it worked! :tada: