How would you handle this box usage situation?

One of our product lines is a product that when multiple of each is ordered, we stack them and put a small spacer box between each unit. The spacer box is not used if the customer orders just one unit of that product line, but if they order more than one, then the spacer box quantity is always one less than the order quantity (since the bottom unit doesn’t have a spacer box underneath it.)

Is there a straightforward way to get Kinetic to consume the spacer box with this logic? Or are we just better off manually adjusting the quantities as we go?

Hmm, without a configurator/BPM I can only think of janky ways, like perhaps having the box on your BOM twice, once as a fixed qty of one that salvages 2 boxes, and then add it to the BOM again as 1 per parent.

That way if order qty is 1, first material will consume 1, create 2, second operation will consume 1, for a net of zero.

But if the order qty goes up, it will start from qty - 1.

Or… you can make an assembly for qtys > 1 that has the boxes, but leave it off the base part BOM. Then your people need to remember to choose the right part if the qty is 1 though.