I Need This Personal Skill

Worth to read, and i welcome any more tips or advices :pensive:

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That is actually a good article. The last point was the most appropriate - sometimes WE are the idiots.

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Every group has an idiot. And if you don’t think anyone in your group is an idiot, then its probably you.

P.S. The above also holds true when substituting “a-hole” for “idiot” :wink:


i agree with you guys, but i am not talking about sometimes, under stress, exhaustion, depression situations, i am talking about type of mentality that insist on repeating the same method which proved is wrong and expect to succeed…for years guys, this is unbearable and -in my opinion- NOT A HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, any way have a nice day everyone

I’ve worked with people that are so incompetent. I often wonder, when they go home, do they think to themselves, “I was really productive today. Good thing I was there.”

Or do the think, “Wow another day and no one has realized that I don’t know what I am doing…”


it is very hard to say which :joy:

Or do the think, “Wow another day and no one has realized that I don’t know what I am doing…

I’m a consultant. I get to think that every day!

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Some days we get calls and emails like I have an error.
Me thinking: Ok let’s see what the crystal ball shows me. – Oh wait it’s broken!!!
To the user: What is your error, do you have a screen shot, what are you doing when you get the error. Context…

So we made a nice little sign that hangs outside my cube :smile: LOL


I thought I was clever when I implemented the following policy,
“You must have tried 3 solutions on your own, before coming to me for help.”

Good in theory, until the user says, “I tried to do it three times, and it still, didn’t work.” :angry:

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