IDC Statistics Error

We are having an issue with our production IDC with the error message below:
It prevents any of the statistics from loading.
It does not appear to be happening in our UAT IDC site.

Hoping someone might know where to look to find the issue or have run across it before.

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I have not, maybe you want to restart the services to start?

At a minimum, everything gets restarted monthly. This appears to have been going on for a while from what the users are reporting to me.

The only thing I found was on Blue Prism’s site which is a cousin to IDC and it says this is from the IDC AppPool using local system and the web.config using integrated security. The app pool needs to use the same account or the web.config needs to use a sql logon.

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The issue is in the web.config file. We had information in ours about the DB and a user name / password. During the last update, Epicor changed the DB name and we had updated the password. Once that change was made, we were able to resolve the issue.