Identifying the Company in ECM Workflow

We have 3 companies in use and whilst until now only one has been uploading documents to ECM we are rolling it out to the others now. This seems obvious and so I am not sure if I have missed something, but I can’t see function / rule that easily identifies the source company for the content. At the moment, I have used a regex verify to look at the company suffix on the content type, but I just thought I would put this out there in case I have missed something obvious?

The $Field.Company variable is typically populated from IDC as a field there and matched to the $Field.Company one in ECM. Within each workflow the Auto-Index workflow step also populates this field. As you may be bringing in the value from IDC, it would make sense to update the Auto-Update workflow step to have it replace $Field.Company into $Field.Company.

If you do not have the value being brought in, you will need to manually index it or use what sounds like the regex verify task that you’ve already established. You can also add this into the AP Invoice Routing workflow so that you don’t need to do the same thing in every other workflow.

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We built out the IDC process of collecting Emails to include the company ID in the batch name, then a calculated field will pull the company value out of the batch name. IN the Mailbox, we have a folder for each company and the IDC Email client has a setting for each folder to give it the batch name including the company.

Same with collecting documents from folders (and from the MFC Copier devices) - the client that pulls the files from the folders adds the company value for the workflow to use.

This way it’s all automatic and the user just has to push the file to the correct company location.

If you need some screenshots, just let me know.

Another way you could use the Content type if the document comes from Kinetic is to split “_” content type into two fields 1st field will the type and 2nd will the company.

If using IDC use @vleveris or @MikeGross methods

What in the content fields can you identify the company from? Just the suffix? That might be enough.

I posted in another thread a vendor validation.

I’d highly recommend reading this over so you don’t run into issues (creating the invoice for the wrong supplier).

Just to clarify, we might be a bit of a unicorn in the ECM world, but we are not doing AP Invoice processing and do not have the IDC. This breaks my heart a little as I spent over 10 years working in automated data capture and AP Automation before entering the ERP world but it is what it is :smiley: I will convince them eventually.

So, all our content types are driven from ERP, so always have the _COMPANYID Suffix so this should be safe for identifying the originating / destination ERP company. I just wanted to be sure I hadn’t missed anything obvious.

Everybody is a unicorn in the ECM world.

There are just creative people who come up with creative ways to make each unicorn happy.

What else do you have that makes you unique?