IF there was a Wiki, how would one organize it?

I think that’s what is being proposed. Does that appear in the advanced search too?

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This is the plugin that’s available (still WIP)

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I don’t know, I am not a big fan of the “upvote” because it is just saying “I like this”. I can’t remember what site I had seen it on, but the button was literally “this solved my problem”. Technically we can already upvote with the like button using the :+1:t2:. If you hover over it, it says +1.

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Yes but UpVote raises the reply to the top (moves it up) I mean I think that the Solution Checkbox is what this is for. We need to be more vigilant to get those checked and if something solved your problem and it wasn’t marked as a solution perhap we could flag it and we can mark it ourselves. shrug

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Yes, for the original poster, the solution checkbox lets us know that there was an answer to their problem.

What I would like to provide is more of a crowdsourced answer. So, I found my answer today without having to start a new post (which I think is a common goal here). But the answer was buried in a list of posts. If 10 other people had marked the solution/post/topic as answering their issue, it would raise the topic to the top of the search. Basically trying to make finding solutions easier.

What we are trying to capture is not the solution to the topic. Instead we are trying to capture all of those times someone comes to the site, searches for an answer, and finds it. How many times have you (well not you @josecgomez , as you provide the solutions) come and searched the site and found the answer to your problem? No one knows that you had a problem because you did not create a new topic (nor do we want them too as there are plenty of topics already). Additionally, no one knows you found the solution to your problem. If I have a similar issue, I would like to know what posts have helped other users. I think of it as just an extra bit of information to help people find the answers they need.


And sometimes the answer to MY question is not the answer to the original question.

Meaning if a thread has 20 posts,

  • Post 1 is the question
  • Post 18 might be the answer to post 1
  • But post 7 answers a completely different question, the one I needed (but not necessarily the one the OP needed)

However I do see the dark side of this, where sometimes people respond, oh I don’t know, “Don’t use widgets; just learn C#” or something like that. Hypothetically…

Yeah, that is an answer, and to a degree it’s a valid answer. It would get the most votes, I’m certain. But if you are searching on how to use widgets, this may not help a ton.

I’m not saying you can avoid this. Just playing devil’s advocate.

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So basically just another type of “like” that is a way to judge the quality of the post then?

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Yes, I completely agree with you. There are going to be bad sides to pretty much any functionality we try to implement.

I guess that maybe the best way to try and explain it is by saying how I would use it (and expect other people to use it).

Let’s say I search for something. I click on the first topic that comes back, and while it is a relevant search result, it does not answer my question. However, that post has a valid answer that I know is correct. I am not going to click “this solved my problem” because it did not. I open up the next topic returned from my search and read through and see a post that does answer my question that brought me to the site. I check off that the post “solved my problem”.

No, not quality, just that it solved someone’s question that brought them to the site to begin with.

Maybe we add the button, save the data in the background and review in a few months? Either we see some good patterns or the data makes no sense. :man_shrugging:t2:

It would somehow need to be associated with a completely separate question. Maybe linked to the search term? That’s a slippery slope though…

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I was thinking that too but then I slipped, picked myself back up, and decided to not go down that path.

At the risk of breaking my own arm patting myself on the back …

you can always add “@ckrusen” in the search field.


Only valid for question on V8 and E10 :frowning:

One issue with a “this solved my problem” button, is that if you weren’t the OP, no one knows what your problem actually was. I’ve found many posts that solved MY problem - which was only tangentially connected to the OP’s problem.


Yeah that sounds hella complicated
“This unrelated reply answered a different question I had”… that seems difficult at best to solve.


Why not a mandatory fill in field of the problem a post solved for a user? If they vote? a post solved a problem for them.

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That could work. Have a ‘Problem Solver’ button, when clicked, opens up a field where any user can type in a problem statement that was solved, and it links to the specific post that was active when the button was clicked. Over time, it’d be interesting to see what posts solved the most issues.


You’d want to search on those solved problems users entered.

Goes back to a post solving MY problem, which wasn’t the OP’s problem. Especially helpful when the OP’s problem was specific.

For example, the OP may be about AR Invoices not posting, and a later ready finds out how to use the Review Journal to fix a problem they had running Capture COS/WIP.

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Here is all I was trying to say. And just so we are all using the same vernacular, a Topic is what this whole thread is (IF there was a Wiki, how would one organize it?) and a Post is a single response in a Topic (this post is #58).

  • Someone creates a topic about building a house that results in 1000 posts.
  • One of the posts is about pizza toppings.
  • Someone marks the pizza toppings post as solving their problem.
  • Someone searches the site for “pizza toppings”. Since the search searches topics and posts, the aforementioned post is returned.
  • Let’s say there are 100 posts on the site about pizza toppings.
  • If no one has marked a post as solving their problem, the results come back based on whatever the default algorithm is.
  • If that one post about pizza toppings from above is marked as solving someone problem, that would make it be the first post returned out of the 100 posts about pizza toppings.
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