Imagine... Electronic Shelf Labels

Right, so is that what you see your fulfillment customers doing- a sales order with billable shipments (1,000-4,000 separate ship-tos)?

I believe that our customers who are doing this probably are using EDI to populate the tables. “Someone” needs to specify the data about where things get shipped. In at least one customer I worked with, they had several hundred Starbucks locations that were on each line item. They would import this via DMT or cut/paste into the orderRel table… then generated individual packslips for each location.

Okay, the DMT took an hour and a half to do 10,000 lines. Is there anyone that can help with the speed, or is there a more efficient way to do this?

Maintaining EDI is its own project/beast. I don’t know if all of our customers use EDI.

One way to speed up DMT is to break your upload file into multiple pieces and upload them concurrently.

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We’ve been using these for about 2 years: Voodoo Robotics Pick-To-Light with fair success. We actually use a combination of color-coding and a directional arrow to attribute 1 tag per 12 bins.

They give you an HTTP API endpoint and I wrote an Epicor Function that encapsulates some of that logic. We use it in conjunction with a custom allocation Epicor Function to consolidate orders in our “pre-shipping” bins. For example, on 'Customer Shipment Entry" we have a button that lights up a tag on all the bins with material allocated towards that order.


When we were onboarding, we setup a bunch of different EC2 instances running DMT in parallel to speed up the process. A bonus to this approach was the pipeline between AWS and Azure is fat so processing speed was much faster than doing it from our desktops. It’ll cost a little $ but if you’re paying attention it’ll be small potatoes.

Yes! This! I split up an import that was going to take more than 20 hours. I was importing about 100k records into the part table. Breaking it up into 10k record files made the process run in only 6 hours or so. I am not sure the limits or ideals for breaking up files into smaller sizes. I wrote an excel macro that splits my files into exactly the right number of rows, and includes the header on each one, then saves the output. This made the daunting process of working with these huge imports almost doable!

Thanks for your input, Nate, I will play around with that.

Hi Tim,

That would be awesome! You can’t imagine how hard it is for people to do their job correctly!

Don @ CCI

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Another idea of what can be shown on the label: the primary overflow location for the parts.

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