Good afternoon,
Our Director of Finance has been working with the Methods Master report in order to work through standards for various parts that we build. For a lot of things she is able to just run a report for a specific end part, but she is now digging into our Subcontracting area which is a bit messier. Ultimately she wants to be able to run a pretty wide open report for the end Subcontracting reports and be able to pivot it in Excel to get to her desired standards.
I’ve been able to do some modifications to the SSRS to CSV to get where she needs to go, but the part I am having trouble with is that when you run the SSRS as indented to CSV the ParentPart field doesn’t go all the way up the “chain”. When you have a subassembly within a subassembly, the parent part becomes the higher level subassembly part rather than the end part.
For example, in the attached file and screen shot, her goal would be for a column in the CSV file to always say “CARRIERCATOCP500”.
Is this something anyone else has ever dealt with?
ParentPart.xlsx (35.2 KB)